By Journal on April 28, 2017
Bobby Muller, Deborah Shoniber, Kenneth Kramer, National Olympic Committee, Robert Pinho, Terry Sasser, Tony Muller, Waylon Muller
Feature Articles

The Marshall Islands National Olympic Committee extended the terms of five of its seven executive members, including President Kenneth Kramer and Secretary General Terry Sasser, at its every-four-year election last week at the Marshall Islands Resort. Nine sports federations affiliated with the National Olympic Committee (NOC) were eligible to cast votes in the election of […]
By Journal on April 27, 2017
Amenta Matthew, Arkansas, Greg ET Kabua, Riwut, Wallace Peter
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA The visiting volleyball team from Springdale Arkansas is purely amazing! Given they have only six players on the team, which means no substitutes, yet they perform volleyball moves athletes in Marshalls can’t, like when they serve the ball from the end line they jump up and spike. And to top that off, they […]
By Journal on April 27, 2017
Australia, Canada, England, FADs, France, Manni Kalisperis, Pacifical, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, Simplot, Spain, Sweden, US
News Archive

The PNA’s Pacifical tuna label was praised by a major Australian food company for being the “only true sustainable” fishing model in the world. Over the last 15 months, Australian-based Simplot, a large agricultural and seafood supply company with annual sales over $5 billion, has sold 100 million cans of tuna with the Pacifical/Marine Stewardship […]
By Journal on April 27, 2017
692 Production, Daniel Kramer, John Rii, Laura Beach Bash, Nauru, Nauruans, Rosie Delmah
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Having 50 Nauruan visitors fly to Majuro just to attend the Spring Break Laura Beach Bash last Saturday is testament that Power 103.5 FM impresario Daniel Kramer outdid himself yet again and should be dubbed the “master entertainer” of Majuro. Kramer orchestrated for YouTube sensation and rising South Pacific star Rosie Delmah and […]
By Journal on April 21, 2017
Jerry Messenbourg, Marimed Foundation, Neil Rutledge, Susan Messenbourg
Back In The Day

Journal 4/18/1975 P4 Suva Conference wants US to halt interference in Marianas The Conference for a Nuclear Free Pacific which adjourned in Suva, Fiji last week plans to ask the United Nations to determine if the separatist Marianas District plebiscite scheduled to be held in June is a “legitimate” act of self-determination. The group said […]
By Journal on April 21, 2017
Danny Wase, Drauna Waqasokolala, Hilary Hosia, Joe Tiobech, John Kaiko, Mike Halferty, Neal Keju, Ota Kisino, Phil Philippo, Randall McKay, RMI Leadership, Rufina Jack, Stanley Myazoe
Feature Articles

HILARY HOSIA A majority of mayors attending the 17th Executive Leadership Workshop at the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room Tuesday demanded improved customer service from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications panel, which included bosses from Air Marshall Islands, Directorate of Civil Aviation, Shipping Corporation and Ports Authority. But Wotje Mayor Ota Kisino took the […]
By Journal on April 20, 2017
Casten Nemra, Christopher Loeak, Con-Con, Hilda Heine, Kenneth Kedi, Kessai Note, Kotak Loeak, Litokwa Tomeing, Lomes McKay, Marshall Islands Constitution, Phillip Muller, Ruben Zackhras, Yolanda Lodge-Ned
News Archive

Kessai Note was elected President for the 2017 Constitutional Convention at the International Conference Center Thursday. Note won by a single vote over Christopher Loeak 22-21. Casten Nemra won the vice presidency from Phillip Muller 25-18, while Yolanda Lodge-Ned got the favor of 41 delegates to win the secretarial seat by secret ballot as she […]
By Journal on April 20, 2017
Alfred Alfred Jr., Dr. David Tawei Lee, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Isaac Marty, John Silk, Kalani Kaneko, Kenneth Kedi, Ladie Jack, Republic of China, ROC, Taiwan, Winston Chen
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA and ISAAC MARTY Not every day you see Foreign Minister John Silk “rock the night away” with microphone in hand performing for a large crowd — such was the scene last Thursday during the Presidential dinner at the Marshall Islands Resort’s pool area in honor of Republic of China, Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Dr. […]
By Journal on April 20, 2017
Abija Lometo, Alson Kelen, canoes in the marshall islands, Hilary Hosia, Johnson Anwel, Maston John, Ralles Anwel, Sealend Laiden, Waan Aelon in Majel, WAM
News Archive

Waan Aelon in Majel (Canoes of the Marshall Islands) is bubbling with activities with two training programs for young people ongoing at one time. In years past, WAM sponsored one six-month life skills and vocational training program centered around canoe building and carpentry. This year, opportunity arose to run a skills training in woodworking related […]
By Journal on April 14, 2017
Alvin Simon, Angela Miano, Arlinda Lemae, Arthur Jetton, Benjamin Kibin, Benny Hesa, Fredrick Heine, Irujiman Langidrik, Kelen Shem, Kinso Nimoto, Leeroy Langidrik, Rojen Helisha, Samson Samson, Shellina Benkim, Wilson Jimna
Back In The Day

Journal 4/11/1975 P1 Blue Shirts beginning delivery Trans Atoll Service Corporation (TASC) is in the process of delivering on one of its stated goals — lower prices for Marshall Islands consumers through cooperative buying. The first part of an order totaling in the neighborhood of $250,000 has arrived in the district center and individual TASC […]