By Journal on January 29, 2016
Ban Ki-Moon, fees, Marshall Islands, suspended, United Nations
Feature Articles
The Marshall Islands is one of 10 countries suspended from voting at the United Nations because it has not paid its membership fees for a number of years. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon sent a letter to the RMI and nine other nations Friday informing them that until they bring their membership dues current, they […]
By Journal on January 29, 2016
"The King and I", Andrew Garrod, Ilona Bito
News Archive

Children as young as five will star in the upcoming “The King and I” musical scheduled to hit the International Conference Center at the beginning of next month. Choreographer Ilona Bito, who flew in from New York City this week, is helping out at the afternoon rehearsals, which are in full throttle mode. Ilona started […]
By Journal on January 29, 2016
crisis, Donald Capelle, drug, Gerald Zackios, MOH, RMI history
Back In The Day

Journal 1/28/1977 P1 Afraid to talk US Central Intelligence Agency officials testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee January 24 on charges that the CIA spied on delegates from Micronesia who were negotiating political status relations with the United States. William Colby, a former CIA Director, and E. Henry Knock, the Acting Director until President Carter […]
By Journal on January 29, 2016
mosquito, virus, Zika
Feature Articles

A relatively new mosquito-borne virus is prompting worldwide concern because of an alarming connection to a birth disorder and the rapid spread of the virus across the globe, reports CNN. But although the US Centers for Disease Control says Samoa is the only Pacific nation where the Zika virus has been confirmed, this dangerous virus […]
By Journal on January 28, 2016
Casten Nemra, Dr. Hilda Heine, RMI President
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON The ousting Tuesday of President Casten Nemra, only two weeks into his term as President, by a successful vote of no confidence, suggests family ties have trumped customary authority that once dominated Nitijela’s leadership lineup. Dr. Hilda Heine’s election Wednesday — with 24 out of 30 votes — is another unprecedented twist in […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
Ebeye, Jefferson Bobo, US Coast Guard, US Navy
News Archive

Jefferson Bobo, a young man from the island of Ebeye, is thriving in his new career in the US Navy, which follows a couple years of working at the Ministry of Public Works after he became the first Marshall Islander to graduate from the US Coast Guard Academy, with a degree in engineering. After departing […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
Baninnur Club, California, cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, Kiwanis Club, LaJolla, Winder Loeak
News Archive

Ten new bicycles, including helmets and rear flashing lights for the only bikers’ club on island, College of the Marshall Islands based Baninnur Club, were received from Do It Best last week. The items were purchased through a $2,000 grant funded by the Kiwanis Club of LaJolla, California. Baninnur Club co-founder Winder Loeak said there […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
Majuro, MALGov, Marshall Islands history
Back In The Day

Journal 1/24/1975 P1 Nakayama’s address underlines major problems facing Micronesia “What are we going to do for the people of Micronesia?” said Senate President Tosiwo Nakayama in a dramatic departure from the Kennedy standard phrasing. The question was asked during the opening week of the newly convened Sixth Congress of Micronesia in Saipan. Nakayama added […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
FFA, fish treaty, James Movick, Transform Aquorau, US State Department, Wez Norris, William Gibbons-Fly
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON The US government officially announced it is pulling out of the US Pacific islands fisheries treaty, a move that will take effect in 12 months, according to the terms of the nearly 30-year old deal. The US State Department advised the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) this past weekend that it had officially communicated […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
Bikinians, Casten Nemra, Esther Kia'aina
Feature Articles

President Casten Nemra welcomed US Assistant Secretary of Interior Esther Kia’aina, as he held the first Cabinet meeting of his Presidency at the Cabinet conference room late last week. Assistant Secretary Kia’aina congratulated President Nemra and members of his Cabinet and said her visit re-emphasizes the important relationship between the US and the RMI. She pledged […]