By Journal on April 6, 2023
Forum Fisheries Agency, US Government, US tuna boats
Back In The Day

Journal 4/11/1986 P1 US changing tuna tune The United States has decided to recognize the sovereignty of Pacific Island nations in regard to tuna fishing in their waters. A treaty between the US government and the Forum Fisheries Agency is being drafted to allow US tuna boats to fish Western Pacific waters. P15 Greenpeace couple […]
By Journal on March 31, 2023
Majuro fish base
Back In The Day

Journal 4/4/1986P3 Gateway to be finished by year’s end An elevator in Majuro in 1986? Yessiree Bob and it will take you to the third floor of the Eastern Gateway Hotel. Nauru representative John Willis said his goal is to get the hotel done by year’s end and it looks like he might just do […]
By Journal on March 24, 2023
1998, Asian Development Bank/RMI government report, Back in the Day, Off track, Reform
Back In The Day

Journal 3/28/1986 P11 Mineo promoted at BOG The Bank of Guam promoted Mineo Mista to the position of assistant Vice President in charge of operations. Mineo is the first Marshallese to attain a vice presidency with the bank. Journal 3/27/1998 P1 Gamblers get royal flush After days of strong debate in the Nitijela and political […]
By Journal on March 17, 2023
copra production, Nitijela, plane schedules, ship schedules
Back In The Day

Journal 3/21/1986 P1: US & RepMar: Accord at Kwajalein The RMI and US governments jointly announced March 15 the signing of an Interim Use Agreement Extension for the Kwajalein Missile Range. After several months of deliberations between RMI and IS officials, RMI Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum and US negotiator Janet McCoy worked out the final […]
By Journal on March 10, 2023
1.8 million gallons, 1998, Back in the Day, Billy Roberts, El Niño drought, Japanese government-provided water, Majuro Water and Sewer Company
Back In The Day

Journal 3/14/1986 P1 Ready to go The newly formed Majuro Atoll Local Government, headed by Mayor Amatlain Kabua, iOS meeting ready to swing into action, following a week-long workshop on operations of the local government. Last week’s workshop was sponsored by Interior and Outer Islands Affairs and is also being held on other atolls that […]
By Journal on March 3, 2023
Alvin Jacklick, Alvin nixes court papers, Ataji Balos, Handel Dribo, Kwajalein Community Court., Kwajalein Landowners, Kwajalein Missile Range
Back In The Day

Journal 3/7/1986 P1 Expectant Young elementary school students from Majuro stand expectantly for the Journal camera as news of an unprecedentedly large $145 million budget appropriation was broadcast over RepMar radio WSZO. These children, and thousands like them, will be overwhelmingly affected by the implementation of the new political relationship with the United States, a […]
By Journal on February 10, 2023
1.2 million, 1985 report said, Air Marshall Islands, Back in the Day, July 1-December 31, Loses, The Auditor General
Back In The Day

Journal 2/14/1986 P1 Ataji greets HiCom Senator Ataji Balos led a group of more than 50 Kwajalein landowners over to Kwajalein Island February 13 in a demonstration of their dissatisfaction with the Pentagon’s reply to their requests for increased ai, said sources on Ebeye. The action resulted in the snack bar being closed to all […]
By Journal on February 3, 2023
1986, Back in the Day, Commercial Center building, Kirt Pinho, lagoon side, local residents, Robert Reimers, RRE
Back In The Day

Journal 2/7/1986 P1 ‘Navigator’ sailing to Majuro The Honolulu Theater for Youth play, “Song for the Navigator,” has been captivating sold-out audiences since it began performing in Hawaii last month. Later this month, Majuro residents will have the opportunity to view the play during the theater company’s tour of Micronesia. Thanks to the efforts of […]
By Journal on January 27, 2023
Ajidrik Bien, Ajidrik’s, Bilimon’s and then Robert’s., Molik’s, sale cigarettes or alcohol, The Ajidrik Wholesale Company
Back In The Day

Journal 1/31/1986 P1 Ajidrik passes Ajidrik Bien, a long-time prominent business from Majuro, died this week. The Ajidrik Wholesale Company, a landmark establishment on the main road, downtown, was one of four “name” businesses. There was Molik’s, Ajidrik’s, Bilimon’s and then Robert’s. Typical of business practice in this area, the commercial activities were often flavored […]
By Journal on January 20, 2023
Ben Graham, Marie Maddison, Marshall Islands Visitors Authority, National Economic and Social Summit, Ramsey Reimers, RMI Business Summit
Back In The Day

Journal 1/24/1986 P1 Tarawa says ‘no’ to UK aid For the first time in its seven years of independence, Kiribati is planning its1986 budget without British economic aid. Finance Minister Boanareke Boanareke in his budget address told the parliament that one major and very important change in this year’s plan is the attainment of full […]