By Journal on April 16, 2021
Ajeltake Elementary School, Amata Kabua, Compact of Free Association, Jaluit High School, MEC, Ronald Reagan, Rongelap
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Journal 4/20/1984P1 Electricity costs reduced The RMI reported impressive savings in fuel costs for its new power generating facility in Majuro. MEC’s British-built power plant is producing electricity at a cost of 5.1 cents per kilowatt hour, a substantial savings compared with the 18-to-20 cents per kilowatt hour cost at the old power plant.P3 Amata […]
By Journal on April 9, 2021
Billy Roberts, Deutz MWM, McConell Dowell, MEC, PII
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Journal 4/13/1984 P1 Traditional Rights Court ceremony for new judges The judges and clerk of the first Traditional Rights Court of the Marshall Islands were sworn in April 10 at the Majuro Courthouse. The ceremony, featuring opening of the court by High Court Chief Justice John Lanham, was followed by an invocation from Rev. Jori […]
By Journal on April 2, 2021
Back In The Day

P1 Reagan signs and forward the Compact President Ronald Reagan signed and forwarded to the Congress the Compact of Free Association for the Marshall Islands and FSM. The Reagan administration will work toward the quick securing of passage of the Compact, said US chief negotiator Fred Zeder. P1 Senators seeking to kill Compact Eleven enactors […]
By Journal on March 26, 2021
Japanese WWII memorial, Peace Park - Majuro Japanese WWII war memorial, WWII memorial
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Journal 3/23/1984 P1 Peace Park dedicated A ceremony for the completion of the Peace Park Monument as well as memorial services for the dead were held March 16 at the site in Ajeltake. Vice Minister of Health Hiroshi Yukawa stressed the significance of the war dead. He said Japan had long wanted to erect a […]
By Journal on March 19, 2021
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Journal 3/16/1984 P3 Hotel completion by January 1985 “It will have a beautiful glass and marble facade,” according to Joe Bertoni, project engineer, who is building the new 60-room Nauru hotel. If all materials arrive on schedule, he said the structural part of the project will be complete by January 1985. Half of the rooms […]
By Journal on March 12, 2021
Bikini Atoll, Dr. John Laman, Jaluit High School
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Journal 3/9/1984 P1 Dr. John turns 60 A celebration of Dr. John Iaman’s 60th birthday was the key party here in Majuro this past weekend — fitting tribute to the man who has spent his life doctoring and caring for countless ills and problems of the people who have come to love and respect him. […]
By Journal on March 5, 2021
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Journal 3/2/1984 P1 Japan to fund fish base A Japanese grant for the Majuro Fishing Base was formalized February 24 in an exchange of diplomatic notes signed in Majuro by Japan Consul General Hideji Tsukakoshi and Foreign Minister Tony deBrum. The grant from Japan is for 470 million yen ($2 million) for the construction of […]
By Journal on February 26, 2021
Majuro Atoll, Rita, yacht club
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Journal 2/24/1984 P1 Landscaping nearly complete The Delap Beautification Projet is nearing completion. The project will include over a hundred flame trees lining the old airstrip and later will include some Pacific Almond trees (terminalia), affectionately known in the Marshalls as Kotel. It has been a team effort as Public Works dug the holes, Resources […]
By Journal on February 19, 2021
Amata Kabua, Marshall Islands gambling
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Journal 2/17/1984 P1 Compact problems in Congress A Gannett News Service article outlined several areas of possible difficulties expected to be encountered by the Compact of Free Association as it wends its way through the two houses of the US Congress. At a hearing of the Public Lands and National Parks Committee chairman Rep. John […]
By Journal on February 12, 2021
Gibson's, Pacific Marshall Inc.
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Journal 2/10/1984 P1 Groundbreaking for Majuro Shopping Center A groundbreaking ceremony was held February 9 on the old airstrip in Delap to mark the beginning of construction of a facility named by its owners as Majuro Shopping Center. The center, which is owned by Pacific Marshall Inc., will feature a Gibson’s Department Store (similar to […]