By Journal on May 25, 2018
Danny Wase, longliners, revenue, tuna fees
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Journal 5/22/1981 P3 Micro Palm to go to Fiji again Deputy Attorney General Carl Ingram and Secretary Ywao Elanzo of Transportation and Communications left Majuro May 20 on Air Nauru for Suva, Fiji. While in Fiji, they will meet and negotiate with officials of Carpenter Ltd. and Bish concerning the dry docking of the MS […]
By Journal on May 18, 2018
Kwajalein, missile testing, US Army
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Journal 5/15/1981 P9 2,000 apply for housing aid About 2,000 applications were received by the Housing Division, Social Services Department, for the $1.5 million community development block grant as part of the recovery program from the late 1979 high waves that struck DUD area. P12 AMI looking to the future The Airline of the Marshall […]
By Journal on May 11, 2018
Jon Beavers, Kwajalein Liaison Officer, Mejit, rocket, rocket debris
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Journal 5/9/1970 P1 April weather 2.87 inches of rain — Least since initial record started, 1955. P1 Rocket debris falls on Mejit Reports circulating about Maujro concerning parts of a missile falling in and around Mejit Island have been verified. The people of Mejit reported seeing a bright flash of light during the night night […]
By Journal on May 4, 2018
Nuclear Claims Tribunal
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Journal 5/1/1981 P1 Japanese request nuclear waste storage The Japanese government approached the Marshalls government in early April about the possibility of using Bikini to store nuclear waste, according to Minister of Internal Affairs Wilfred Kendall. P1 Marshall Islands Alele Museum opens today After false starts and years of inactivity for one reason or another, […]
By Journal on April 27, 2018
Air Marshall Islands, AMI, Erron Driver
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Journal 4/24/1981 P1 Govt seeks FAA registration for AMI aircraft Minister for Resources and Development Kessai Note, accompanied by Marshalls Attorney General Wayne Kidwell, left Majuro April 22 for Hawaii where they will meet with Federal Aviation Administration officials concerning registration of Airline of the Marshall Islands aircraft. The two government representatives will also be […]
By Journal on April 21, 2018
Nitijela, tax-free, tax-free zone
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Journal 4/17/1981 P9 Marshallese theology students learn they share similar problems with American Indians Three Marshallese students — Kaje Kattil, Riten Menke and Nashion Naiser — of the Marshalls Theological College discovered that Marshallese and Indian Americans have many things in common in a recent trip to the mainland. Both Marshallese and Indian Americans have […]
By Journal on April 13, 2018
fresh eggs, Laura, Nelson Labout, poultry project
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Journal 4/10/1981 P1 Washington trip ruined by assassination attempt A six-member Marshalls delegation to Washington, DC was a victim of the assassination attempt on US President Ronald Reagan, according to Senator Jeton Anjain who was leading the group. They were going to attend a news conference to have been given April 3 by the Marshall […]
By Journal on April 6, 2018
College of Micronesia, College of the Marshall Islands, Oscar deBrum
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Journal 4/3/1981 P1 Namo emoj an kallib ilo Rita A crowd, estimated in the thousands, turned out at the burial site of Iroij Namo Hermios in Rita. He died on March 27 at the age of 53. He was Vice Speaker of Nitijela. P8 President returns A huge crowd of Majuro residents, including elected and […]
By Journal on March 29, 2018
Bruno Loyale, circus, Magicland Circus
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Journal 3/27/1981 P1 Ailinglaplap Bakilkil airport dedicated The Bakilkil airport was dedicated March 27 in a festive and elaborate ceremony. With three planes on the airport and three ships anchored in the lagoon, it was was certainly the largest event in recent years at the peaceful island of Airok. P5 Joma Robert new JHS principal […]
By Journal on March 23, 2018
Ailinglaplap, Ailuk, airport, Bakilkil, Hemos Jack, Majuro, runway, Utrik
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Journal 3/20/1981 P2 Ailuk to get airfield soon One of three government landing craft utilities left Majuro last week for Ailinglaplap with personnel and necessary equipment to compact and extend several hundred feet of Bakilkil airport at Ailinglaplap. Secretary of Resources and Development Hemos Jack said after completion of the Ailinglaplap runway renovation, the LCU […]