By Journal on September 29, 2017
Enemanet, Enemanet Express, Kirt Pinho
Back In The Day
Journal 10/1/1973 P9 Phone update The telephone system will be completed around November 1, 1973. A total of 98 phones will be installed, 47 of these will be used by the administration and the hospital. A few will be used by key men in the Trust Territory government, such as the Distad. The remainder will […]
By Journal on September 22, 2017
Air Force, Nitijela, peacekeeper missile
Back In The Day
Journal 9/24/1973 P1 Distad to follow up Del Monte Marshalls District Administrator Oscar deBrum and Marshall Islands Development Authority representative Charles Domnick left Majuro Saturday for the mainland US to reopen negotiations with Del Monte Corporation, San Francisco, concerning a planned tuna fishing operation in the Marshalls. P5 40% accuracy lauded I have noted your […]
By Journal on September 15, 2017
Lucky Caios, Lucky Caious, marijuana, police
Back In The Day
Journal 9/19/1975 P1 Copra prices drop The Copra Stabilization Board voted to reduce the price of copra for the fourth time this year to maintain the required minimum balance of the copra stabilization fund. The fund suffered a heavy loss when the sales price of copra continued to decline on the world market. The new […]
By Journal on September 8, 2017
Air Force, Eniwetok, Micronitor, PACE testing, TNT
Back In The Day
Journal 9/10/1973 P1 Hiatus achieved at Roi Namur Negotiations between the US Army and the people of Roi Namur are at a hiatus — the apparent result of an unannounced departure by one of the Army’s chief negotiators, Ron Markon, Land Acquisition lawyer for the Department of the Navy. At the meetings last month, the […]
By Journal on September 1, 2017
Bikini, Eneu Island
Back In The Day
Journal 9/3/1973 P7 Majuro nixed for next session The leadership of the Congress of Micronesia has decided to hold its next regular session in Saipan rather than Majuro. This, in view of an earlier Joint Resolution approving of 1974 regular sessions in the Marshalls, was unfortunately necessary because of a lack of adequate accommodation to […]
By Journal on August 25, 2017
AEC, Atomic Energy Commission, Bikini, Bikini Atoll
Back In The Day
Journal 8/29/1975 P1 Bad news for Bikini Islanders returning to Bikini Atoll may be asked to comply with additional restrictions on diet and living areas as a result of a recent radiological follow up survey conducted by the Energy Research and Development Administration (formerly Atomic Energy Commission) in June. P7 Jabwor wakens former shadow of […]
By Journal on August 18, 2017
Batkan, dredge, dump, garbage, Majuro, public works
Back In The Day
Journal 8/20/1973 P1 Distad to challenge land claimants A suit to determine the validity of a government lease on land located at the site of Majuro’s old airport is likely to be filed soon, according to Marshalls District Administrator Oscar deBrum. The controversy over the land was precipitated several weeks ago when a couple began […]
By Journal on August 11, 2017
driving range, Kwajalein, Mary A. Browning, missile base, New Republic, radar, Stonehenge, Visiting Kwajalein, Walter Pincus
Back In The Day
Journal 8/15/1975 P9 About the missile base at Kwajalein By Mary A. Browning “As your plane comes in to land, the radar towers, giant domes, tracking dish antennae and other structures dotting the chain of tiny islands rise up like a missile-age Stonehenge in the mid-Pacific,” writes Walter Pincus. “Visiting Kwajalein,” is the title of […]
By Journal on August 4, 2017
Bilimon, MALGov, sheriff, smuggled, Uliga, Waylon Muller
Back In The Day
Journal 8/6/1973 P7 TT to study alcohol abuse problem The Headquarters Division of Community Development reports that a contract is being prepared with James R. Leonard Associates to undertake a study on the problem of alcohol abuse in the TT and how it relates to the growing problem of juvenile delinquency. P9 Independence or statehood […]
By Journal on July 28, 2017
Ailinglaplap, campaign, Dennis Momotaro, Election, Jiba Kabua, Mejit, Namdrik, roniluial, Ruben Zackhras, Tony deBrum
Back In The Day
Journal 8/1/1975 P1 The Chinese affair Last month a friendship began between the world’s smallest micro-state and the world’s largest nation. Hans Wiliander, a tall, soft-spoken Micronesian from the island of Tol, Truk Lagoon, stepped down from an airplane in Peking, China for a 20-day visit. His trip was the result of a meeting with […]