By Journal on January 12, 2024
FSM, RMI, RMI health, RMI health indicators
Back In The Day

Journal 1/9/1987 P1 MIATLP launches final assault for ‘nuke money’Attorneys representing Marshallese affected by nuclear testing launched a broadside attack on the United States and Marshall Islands governments position that the Compact of Free Association provides “just compensation” for the taking of lands during the 1940s and 1950s, and contend that the US cannot cut […]
By Journal on January 5, 2024
Chinese garment factory, Lanco Pacific
Back In The Day

Journal 1/2/1987 P1 Youth speak out on US tourTwo Marshallese youth recently returned to Majuro following an out-of-the-ordinary visit to the United States. Assumption Elementary School teacher Carmen Samuel and Assumption High senior Lotey Kiluwe went to the US as part of the “Children of War” speaking tour, which brought over 60 young people from […]
By Journal on December 29, 2023
Bill Weza, JAL, Japan Airlines, Marshall Islands Resort
Back In The Day

Journal 12/30/1988 P6 Cabinet ceremony highlights Marshalls-Japan tiesMarshall Islands and Japan both agreed to establish diplomatic relations in a ceremony that took placed at the Cabinet last week. A three-member mission from Japan presented a diplomatic letter from Sousuke Uno, the minister of foreign affairs. Foreign Minister Tom Kijiner confirmed the new relationship. Journal 12/26/1997 […]
By Journal on December 22, 2023
Amata Kabua, Amata Kabuia, Dave Ackley, Jackie Jacob, Jerry Kramer, Laura electricity, Nine Group, Robert Kitchingham
Back In The Day

Journal 12/26/1986P1 Sun sets on ’86: Compact, Kwajalein, malnutrition big storiesThree years of waiting for the Compact of Free Association to be implemented finally ended in late 1986 when the new agreement with the United States passed its last hurdle and went into effect. P1 A Christmas gift for Laura villageLast Friday President Kabua threw […]
By Journal on December 15, 2023
1998, Back in the Day, licensed to practice, Public Service Commission, Tom Jack, Zackraias Zackraias
Back In The Day

Journal 12/19/1986 P1 Bing’s new Jenrok store openThe Althea Bing Company opened its new store last Saturday in Jenrok village.The beautiful new store is located across from the high school in what used to be the ABC wholesale warehouse. It compliments two other ABC stores in Rita and Delap. The company started operating April 2, […]
By Journal on December 8, 2023
TB, tuberculosis, US Centers for Disease Control
Back In The Day

Journal 12/12/1986 P1 RepMar slices big budgetThe biggest budget ever for the Marshall Islands was introduced into the Nitijela last Wednesday, but major program cuts in nearly every ministry forced repeated delays in Nitijela consideration of the final package as ministers battled for every dollar in the $126,136,800 budget. The Compact is providing $41 million, […]
By Journal on December 1, 2023
Frank Armstrong, Investor Solutions Inc., Marshall Islands High School, MIHS, Sarah Ketchen Lipson, SK Lipson, TOEFL
Back In The Day

Journal 12/5/1986 P1 Taking task forces to taskThat governments in Micronesia are big and unwieldy is nothing new. But if you thought the many-layered bureaucracy in the Marshall Islands was cumbersome, get a load of this one. In the Federated States of Micronesia, lawmakers have come to the conclusion that something must be done about […]
By Journal on November 23, 2023
Grant Gordon, Imroj, Jaluit, Mack Wonne
Back In The Day

Journal 11/28/1986 P14 Planning commissionFor the first time, a zoning bill has been introduced into the Nitijela that would establish planning commissions to regulate, plan and control development work in the islands. Introduced by President Amata Kabua, the bill would require each local government to set up planning commissions that would regulate all construction and […]
By Journal on November 17, 2023
big jail break, RMI National Police
Back In The Day

Journal 11/21/1986 P1 Small budget, big payoffIt’s underfunded, understaffed and lacks adequate space for the job at hand, but that isn’t slowing down a major program of Marshalls Community Action Agency/Youth Options. For many Marshallese youth, their shot at continuing formal education ended when school began in September. More than 50 percent of eighth grade […]
By Journal on November 10, 2023
gem, John Costello, Kwajalein, Kwajalein Missile Range, missile defense programs
Back In The Day

Journal 11/14/1986 P1 Soviets threaten UN vetoThe Soviet Union is preparing to mount a challenge to the Marshalls and the Federated States of Micronesia Compacts and the Mariana Islands commonwealth when they come before the United Nations Security Council. “The territories must get full, unrestricted independence which is not the case under this trust territory […]