Feature Articles

WAM graduates show success

WAM graduates show success

Marshall Islanders who graduate from the Waan Aelon in Majel canoe building and life skills training program have a high rate of success, according to statistics provided by the program. Nearly four out of five from last year’s training are either employed, in school or returned to an outer island. Data on graduates from the […]

WAM graduates shine

WAM graduates shine

After weeks of stormy skies, the sun came out and shined on the Vocational and Lifeskills 2016 Trainee Graduation. About 120 attended the Waan Aelon in Majel event, which saw 14 young men and four young women receive their certificates for successfully completing the WAM program. The Class of 2016 all wore T-shirts they designed […]

EPA lab gets US certification

EPA lab gets US certification

The RMI EPA Majuro water quality laboratory was re-certified last week to analyze drinking water under the Colilert Method and marine and other surface water samples under the Enterolert Method.  The US Freely Associated States Laboratory Certification Program issued the re-certification for a two-year term following review of the laboratory.  During the certification audit, Majuro […]

MALGov helps Rongrong school

MALGov helps Rongrong school

Majuro Atoll Local Government Mayor Ladie Jack took his administration on a boat tour recently to deliver food and sports equipment to Marshalls Christian High School, which is located in the western portion of Majuro Atoll on Rongrong Island. The Rongrong students welcomed the officials with a musical feast, dancing with council members. Sports equipment […]

Study shows student health problems

Study shows student health problems

HILARY HOSIA Studies of elementary age children in Majuro show that public school students have a higher rate of intestinal parasites compared to private schools. Data presented to Health Minister Kalani Kaneko and his top officials Thursday showed 11.2 percent of private school children in Majuro have intestinal parasites. The figure is the result of […]

Ebeye’s new hearing services

Ebeye’s new hearing services

State-of-the art hearing health care services have arrived at Ebeye’s Leiroj Kitlang Memorial Health Center. Ebeye hospital administration identified space that was modified for a sound-controlled three-room auditory (hearing) test suite. The suite is equipped with the latest in auditory test equipment, permitting a full range of pure tone and speech testing, analysis of middle-ear […]

24th All-Micronesia: The Tag-n-Release fishing tournament

24th All-Micronesia: The Tag-n-Release fishing tournament

The digital age has come to billfish land. The just-concluded Budweiser All Micronesia Fishing Tournament generated 38 tagged and released fish, an all-time high in the 24 years this international event has been hosted by the Marshalls Billfish Club. Tag and release fish require fishermen to show a digital photo of the fish they caught […]

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