By Journal on January 18, 2024
Hilary Hosia, Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority, MIMRA, Papua New Guinea, RMI-flagged, Taiwan-flagged, tuna transshipment, Tuvalu
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Tuna transshipments in Majuro in 2023 increased over the previous year, nearly breaking the 300 mark. The year end strong with 32 transshipments in December — often a slow month, but now this past year. This included 31 transshipments to carrier vessels in the lagoon and one unloading at dock side for freezer container export. […]
By Journal on January 18, 2024
Aitab Leviticus, Arbella John, David Anitok, David Paul, Henry Hand, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Jeledrik Binejal, Jess Gasper Jr, Kalani Kaneko, Kili, Kili island, Lincoln Simeon, Majuro Water and Sewer Company, Marshalls Energy Company, MV Kwajalein, Simon Jamore, Taiwan Embassy, Tommy Jibok
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HILARY HOSIA Action speaks louder than words. This seems to be the marching order for President Hilda Heine and her Cabinet following a one-day visit to Kili Island last Friday. That day before, Thursday, the Heine administration declared a state of emergency to address the immediate needs of the Kili community, which has been experiencing […]
By Journal on January 11, 2024
Bremity Lakjohn, David Paul, Hilda Heine, Hilton Tonton Kendall, Jess Gasper Jr, Joe Bejang, Kalani Kaneko, Ota Kisino, Thomas Heine, Tony Muller, Wilmer Joel, Wisely Zackhras
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The new Cabinet lineup was confirmed Monday. It features a mix of Nitijela Members, and demonstrates how President Hilda Heine and her core supporters reached out to newly elected Members as well as those from islands that would normally be considered aligned with the Kabua traditional leadership in order to form the new government. Members […]
By Journal on January 11, 2024
Deutz engine, kun jarom, Marshalls Energy Company, MEC power outage, Tyler Milne
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The tenuous condition of the Marshalls Energy Company’s power plants was on full display during the last days of 2023 and last week. Unscheduled power outages have been repeatedly happening in Majuro, and power rationing went into effect late last week as MEC power plant staff struggled to repair one of the large engines that […]
By Journal on January 11, 2024
David Paul, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Jess Gasper Jr, Kili-Bikini-Ejit, RMI State of Emergency
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GIFF JOHNSON The first order of business for President Hilda Heine’s new government is expected to be declaring not one, but two states of emergency: One for Kili Island, where “people are starving,” according to one Cabinet minister; the other order to put focus on Majuro’s power crisis. These moves were in the discussion stage […]
By Journal on January 4, 2024
$10.8 million grant agreement, Damian Capelle, David Kabua, Jack Ading, Lance Posey, sewer, US and RMI governments, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL A $10.8 million grant agreement was reached between the US and RMI governments last Friday to fix Majuro’s sewage outfall system. The US Department of Agriculture is the lead investor in partnership with the Asian Development Bank for this grant. The US Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Lance Posey told President David Kabua, Minister Jack […]
By Journal on January 4, 2024
73 students, David Kabua, Kanchi Hosia, Kessai Note, Marshall Islands Standard Achievement Test, Matthew McConaughey, Public School System, Steve Hsia, Taiwan-RMI Presidents’ scholarship, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL Seventy-three Taiwan-RMI Presidents’ scholarship recipients, consisting of students and educators, were honored at the fourth scholarship award ceremony in the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room in December. In his remarks, Public School System Commissioner Kanchi Hosia characterized the event as a “milestone” in the relationship between RMI and Taiwan in education and capacity […]
By Journal on January 4, 2024
Brenson Wase, Bruce Bilimon, Dan Cadra, Daniel Cadra, David Kabua, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Isaac Zackhras, Lawson Matatuo, Ryan Jetnil, Tony Aiseia, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL The Marshall Islands Parliament elected Hilda Heine, the first and only woman to hold the office to date, to the presidency for the second time on Tuesday morning in Majuro. With a slim majority of 17 to 16, Heine of Aur became president-elect, unseating outgoing President David Kabua from Wotho. Brenson Wase, the […]
By Journal on December 28, 2023
Allen Hodges, Ariel Galito, Damian Capelle, Hiroshi Yamamura, MWSC, Septic Truck, US Embassy, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL A new septic truck was donated to the Majuro Water and Sewage Company last week by the Office of Insular Affairs of the US Department of Interior to address environmental and public health issues. This donation was funded under Interior’s Technical Assistance Program. A press release from the US Embassy states that the […]
By Journal on December 28, 2023
Christmas Parade, EZ Price, Litokwa Tomeing, Melinda Tomeing., Rithen Lajar, Santa Claus, Wotje, Wotje Elementary School
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WILMER JOEL A plea from a child to her father to see Santa made a Christmas parade on Wotje Atoll a reality last week. Mayor-elect Rithen Lajar narrated the story to the Journal. Before Wotje Elementary School went into vacation mode, the principal instructed students to tidy up the campus in preparation for Santa’s […]