News Archive

Nimo saves the day

Nimo saves the day

HILARY HOSIA A civilian was recognized in Parliament this week for his voluntary actions that helped put out a fire in Uliga this past Sunday. Minister of Natural Resources and Commerce Tony Muller, who happens to live next door to the building that was on fire and was a firsthand witness to the ordeal, praised […]

EPA passes US lab audit

EPA passes US lab audit

“Three great wins for the Marshall Islands,” is how RMI EPA General Manager Moriana Phillip described the recertification of a team of water quality laboratory staff. She listed the developments in the past few days: The annual Water Quality Audit conducted by US-based Nimbus Environmental Services representative Edna Buchan resulted in the EPA laboratory and […]

Jaluit damage sparks Nitijela debate

Jaluit damage sparks Nitijela debate

HILARY HOSIA Despite the natural disaster that displaced 21 individuals and destroyed five homes over the weekend on the main island of Jaluit, the government is reluctant to declare state of emergency because the total damage does not meet the threshold for an emergency declaration. Jaluit Parliament Member Sonny Milne raised the issue on the […]

Liz paddles over 2,000 miles

Liz paddles over 2,000 miles

HILARY HOSIA Meet the incredible Liz Wardley — the woman who departed from Hanalei Bay in Hawaii on a rowboat and paddled more than 2,000 miles in the open ocean for 41 days before reaching the Marshall Islands over the weekend. Although her final destination was Rabaul in Papua New Guinea, where she was born, […]

Schools roll with bumpy start

Schools roll with bumpy start

The Public School System is experiencing a rough start in the beginning of the school year in regards to land disputes at Laura Elementary School. The school is reported to have vacated the school grounds due to an unpaid lease, an issue that reached discussion on the Nitjela floor Tuesday this week. Minster of Education, […]

Majuro’s AKIA soon to change

Majuro’s AKIA soon to change

GIFF JOHNSON While all the airports in the United States-affiliated islands of the north Pacific have had new terminals built or major improvements to existing ones made in recent times, Majuro’s Amata Kabua International Airport (AKIA) remains a vestige of the past, still using a now-dilapidated terminal first opened over 50 years ago. The good […]

MALGov’s drug haul

MALGov’s drug haul

An Uliga man has been charged with four counts of drug possession and distribution following a sting operation and search of his home. Elai Aiseia, 40, was charged with unlawful possession of prohibited drugs, unlawful use of prohibited drugs, unlawful selling of prohibited drugs, and unlawful possession of marijuana. Assistant Attorney General Cherlina Loeak filed […]

Dialysis service to start

Dialysis service to start

In what the Ministry of Health and Human Services called a “historic step forward,” it announced the further development of a plan to re-launch dialysis services in Majuro. Health Minister Ota Kisino joined officials with the India-based company Aprameya Medical Ltd. earlier this month to sign two agreements related to dialysis services. The ministry said […]

Sailing toward a bright future

Sailing toward a bright future

KAREN EARNSHAW Twenty-two students in the College of the Marshall Islands Maritime Vocational Training Center last week moved up to the highest level in their three semester course and are now interns on the SV Juren Ae, which arrived in Majuro at the end of July. According to Ben Vroom, training instructor and temporary captain […]

Kaohsiung-Majuro ports tie knot

Kaohsiung-Majuro ports tie knot

A RMI Ports Authority team, led by board chairman Transportation Minister Hilton Kendall, visited Kaohsiung, the major port city in Taiwan, last week to establish a sister port relationship with Majuro.They were in Taiwan for the Association of Pacific Ports annual conference. The port-to-port relationship is a further business relationship between the two countries on […]

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