By Journal on January 21, 2022
Amata Kabua International Airport, Daniel Kramer, Giff Johnson, Junior Aini, Kino Kabua, Larry Hernandez, Salome Andrike, Thomas Maddison, Tonga, United Airline
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GIFF JOHNSON A once in one thousand year natural disaster in Tonga last weekend broke its submarine fiber cable in two places, severing Tonga’s communication links to the outside world. Majuro, this week, also experienced a severing of links to the outside world in a different way. A man-made disaster in the form of lack […]
By Journal on December 9, 2021
Amata Kabua International Airport, Chewy Lin, Dr. Murray Ford, Ebeye, Federated States of Micronesia, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Majuro, Sea Level Rise
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GIFF JOHNSON Ocean and lagoon water flooded the lowest lying areas for three straight days throughout the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia this past weekend and Monday, causing sparse damage but requiring big cleanups in their wake. The road by Amata Kabua International Airport in Majuro was halted periodically by incoming waves […]
By Journal on December 2, 2021
AKIA, Amata Kabua International Airport, Eve Burns, RMI Ports Authority, United Airlines
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GIFF JOHNSON RMI Ports Authority continues to be beset with problems. The latest? United Airlines moved out of its office in the main terminal of Amata Kabua International Airport earlier this week after it was determined the facility was unsafe for UA workers. Last week, a United worker reportedly “fell through the floor” on the […]
By Journal on August 6, 2020
Aaron Langinlur, Amata Kabua International Airport, EPA, Louie Sailas, Moriana Phillips, Paul Paul
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At the direction of the Chief Secretary and National Disaster Committee, the RMI EPA organized a vector team to decontaminate incoming cargo. All the mail that enters the RMI is subject to decontamination by the EPA vector team, said EPA General Manager Moriana Phillip. Mail arrives on pallets that teams spray. Then this large volume […]
By Journal on August 24, 2017
airport drill, Amata Kabua International Airport, RMI Ports Authority, Thomas Maddison
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ISAAC MARTY Fire fighters, policemen, nurses, doctors, and other first responders rushed to Amata Kabua International Airport for a plane crash response drill Tuesday night. This was the biannual Full-Scale Emergency Exercise (FSE) required by RMI Directorate of Civil Aviation and US Federal Aviation Administration, said RMI Ports Authority Airport Manager Thomas Maddison. The scenario […]
By Journal on March 2, 2017
Amata Kabua, Amata Kabua International Airport, David Ayer, Jack Chong Gum, Joe Tiobech, Kai Austin, PRYZM
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A plan is in motion to build a new airport terminal for Amata Kabua International, described as the oldest terminal in the Micronesia region. At an informational meeting about planning efforts for a new terminal held last Thursday at the RRE compound in Majuro, RMI Ports Authority officials and their Honolulu consulting firm, PRYZM Consulting, […]