By Journal on January 3, 2025
Ataji Balos, Charles Takao Domnick, Ebeye
Back In The Day

Journal 1/6/1982 P8 Ataji blasts neglect of EbeyeNitijela opened its third Constitutional regular session January 4 and Charles Takao Domnick was sworn in as the member for Maloelap. In a strongly worded statement on the floor, Minister of Internal Security Ataji Balos complained about lack of government support for his department especially the lack of […]
By Journal on May 2, 2024
Ebeye, Graduate School USA, Majuro, minimum wage, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

Here is a startling figure. Of the 5,318 households in Majuro and Ebeye, 909 of these have no wage earner. The recent Technical Note by the Graduate School USA that focuses on the minimum wage reports on a recent RMI household survey and says the proposed basis for adopting an increased minimum wage is based […]
By Journal on March 14, 2024
Ajeltake, Carl Montgomery, Charles Lomae, Delap Elementary School, Ebeye, Hilary Hosia, Jaluit, Jaluit High School, Kili island, Likiep, Mark Canney, Mili
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA There is a home behind Delap Elementary School that suffers a fate three times worse than most during ocean inundations in Majuro. The home is sandwiched between a local-government-funded seawall to its left and a riprap structure made by the national government on its right. This leaves a gap through which waves, energized […]
By Journal on February 23, 2024
Alvin Jacklick, Ebeye, Majuro drought
Back In The Day

Journal 2/20/1987 P1 Ebeye soaks but Majuro suffersWater any time of the day on Ebeye? While Majuro is encountering strict water hours — despite heavy rains last week — Ebeye is getting water eight hours a day and will soon have water 24-hours a day. The opening February 9 of the new power and desalination […]
By Journal on February 22, 2024
1, Amata Kabua Blvd., Batkan, Ebeye, Giff Johnson, improvements, Jenrok sports field, Lojkar, Majuro, Micronesian games, MIHS, mobile phone network, NTA, Rita, Tommy Kijiner
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Dropped calls and calls that don’t go through. That’s been a way of life for cell phone users in the Marshall Islands. The upcoming Micronesian Games is not only improving and expanding sports facilities that people here will enjoy long after the games, but it is leading to what is hoped to be […]
By Journal on February 15, 2024
Ebeye, Ebeye Pier, Enen Jabro, KADA, North Loij, PII, Road
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Kwajalein Atoll Development Authority is paving the way for the future of Ebeye — quite literally. The KADA-designated contractor Pacific International Inc. has been on the roll with the Ebeye paving since the end of January. Last week, PII was paving the busiest intersection that connects the main traffic and commuters to and […]
By Journal on December 15, 2023
1857, Assembly of God, Congregational missionaries, Ebeye, Ebon, Full Gospel, Gospel Day, Morning Star vessel, Parades, Rita to Laura, Salvation Army, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles

WILMER JOEL Gospel Day, one of the Marshall Islands’ most important holidays, was celebrated in the streets with a parade earlier this month. It honors the introduction of Christianity with the arrival of Congregational missionaries aboard the Morning Star vessel in 1857 on Ebon. Throughout the day, a large number of participants from well-known Christian […]
By Journal on November 30, 2023
Ebeye, Environmental Protection Authority, Handel Dribo, Hilary Hosia, Lola Lanej, Malolo Malolo, Patlee deBrum
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Even limited to a four-man team, the Environmental Protection Authority on Ebeye continues to ensure drinking water is safe for public consumption on top of its many tasks. Ebeye’s miniature stature EPA (compared to Majuro) is an advantage for the EPA crew when it comes to conducting water quality tests, which EPA does […]
By Journal on November 24, 2023
Bank of Marshall Islands, Debit card window, Ebeye, Kwajalein Atoll Local Government Police
News Archive

A robbery in broad daylight at the Bank of Marshall Islands’ debit card center resulted in an immediate change to the debit dispenser window, as seen in the photo. The debit card window slot has been modified so that people would have hard time reaching in to the secured area. Police from Kwajalein Atoll Local […]
By Journal on May 12, 2023
2009, 500 DVDs, Back in the Day, Ebeye, hits, Jack Niedenthal, Locally-produced film, Majuro, Ña Noniep, US mainland Marshallese
Back In The Day

Journal 5/16/1986 P1 Wife and child abuse up in Marshalls? A young Marshallese women was severely beaten at home by her husband two weeks ago. Several days later, she was dead of head injuries she received from the beating. This incident once again brings to the forefront questions about wife and child abuse in the […]