Eve Burns

Weightlifters star in Solomons

Weightlifters star in Solomons

EVE BURNS Four athletes from the RMI weightlifting team returned home last Friday after medaling in the Pacific Games in Solomon Islands. They left home and their families to train and compete for Marshall Islands, won all 10 of RMI’s Pacific Games medals, but returned to be met with no appreciation at the airport except […]

Chamber memberships spikes in ’23

Chamber memberships spikes in ’23

Majuro Chamber of Commerce achieved a membership milestone this year, with 91 businesses and individuals joining since the beginning of 2023. The surge in membership is a testament to the growing enthusiasm within the private sector, reflecting a collective understanding that fostering the development of the private sector is integral to securing a stable and […]

Navy band rocks Majuro

Navy band rocks Majuro

WILMER JOEL Several schools on Majuro were treated to a mini-concert by the US Navy Pacific Fleet band last week. The College of the Marshall Islands was the third school to be visited by the band. As the band kicked off the event with a dynamic opening, the CMI faculty, staff, and students went berserk. […]

Boot Camp a wrap for 30

Boot Camp a wrap for 30

EVE BURNS After finishing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), popularly known as Summer Boot Camp, 30 students were awarded certificates Wednesday. The eight-week TVET focuses on automotive, electrical, and welding instruction. The camp is an initiative between the College of the Marshall Islands, the Productivity Center at the National University of Fiji, […]

Girls rule at LSA

Girls rule at LSA

EVE BURNS Life Skills Academy Student Body Government really lived up to Beyonce’s famous song “Who runs the world? Girls!” The court top officers are all girls, which may be unprecedented in public school SBG history. There are two boys in the SBG who hold sports and public relations positions. Esther Lolin, a senior who […]

Multiple veterinary team coming

Multiple veterinary team coming

The Marshall Islands will see unprecedented action next month for animal care. Majuro has received sporadic visits by volunteer veterinarian teams over the past decade — an occasional occurrence that has ramped up significantly this year with the involvement of Aloha Affordable Veterinary Services and the support of the Australian Embassy and many others. But […]

Young children get boost

Young children get boost

EVE BURNS Hundreds of people turned out for the launch of the new policy for Early Childhood Development (ECD) called Nurturing our Children to Flourish (Inonoki bwe en Didbōlbōl) last week at Delap Elementary School. The Ceremony was led by Miss Marshall Islands Claret Chong Gum. Pastor Jeledrik Binejal gave the invocation. Students from Laura […]

Miss Marshalls hits high notes

Miss Marshalls hits high notes

WILMER JOEL The long-anticipated Miss Marshall Islands (MMI) pageant has finally arrived to the delight of thousands of Marshallese people. The second of its kind since 2019, it is the talk of the town and the trend on social media. The 20 contestants are operating on a tight schedule for eight days with two days […]

Nito’s team delivers health needs

Nito’s team delivers health needs

EVE BURNS Nito’s Wings founder Deborah Yoder was a volunteer nurse in Majuro in 2016 and worked with Nito’s family in an attempt to save Nito’s life. She told the Journal she later contacted the late Ambassador Tony deBrum requesting to start a California based non-profit in honor of Ceihera Toni Miyoko “Nito” deBrum Kedi. […]

Tide floods airport roads

Tide floods airport roads

EVE BURNS Have you ever had to drive through a flooded road to get home? On Monday and Tuesday, people from the west side of Majuro had to navigate waves crashing across airport lagoon seawalls and barriers, and water and every kind of debris flooding onto the roads from the reservoir to the Peace Park. […]