By Journal on March 7, 2024
AJ Nashion Kaneko, Chantelle Rogers-Niedenthal, Chewy Lin, Daniel Lobwij, Dr. Andrew Garrod, Duke Jendrikdrik, Haruka Sato, Heleina Bill, Helton John, ICC, Ilona Bito, Jack Niedenthal, Jamal Latior, KIO Club, Laurence Underwood, Lillia Jack, Mona Strauss, Nica Wase, Oliver!, Ratakin Zebedy, Siana Jetnil
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JACK NIEDENTHAL Everyone’s childhood should be filled with the magic of the world shepherded by loving parents, but this doesn’t always happen. Oliver! is a play about an orphan boy who yearns for a family as he survives the dark underworld of the 1830s London streets. Oliver! has provided director Dr. Andrew Garrod with one […]
By Journal on July 13, 2023
Angeline Heine-Reimers, Chewy Lin, Darrel Larson, KIO Club, Kora in Okrane, Liberia, United Nations Sustainable Development Goal
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GIFF JOHNSON The Marshall Islands was called to honor Saturday night for becoming only the second country in the world to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of “clean water for all.” An all-volunteer women’s organization in the Marshall Islands was credited for spearheading a five-year project to provide simple water filtration systems for home […]
By Journal on September 30, 2021
Angeline Heine-Reimers, Chewy Lin, Dren in Mour, Eve Burns, Fern Lehman-Stege, Florence Edwards, Francyne Wase-Jacklick, John F Kennedy, July Note, Katoj Park, KIO Club, Kora in Okrane, Michael Trevor, Mike Trevor, Neijon Edwards, Peggy Trevor, Yoshiko Capelle
News Archive

EVE BURNS Kora In Okrane (KIO) has been around for 15 years making amazing and beneficial contributions to the Marshall Islands. Last weekend they celebrated their anniversary — and so popular is this organization that people voluntarily donated over $3,000 to KIO during Saturday night event. The KIO ladies turned the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele […]
By Journal on September 2, 2021
Dren in Mour, July Note Jordan, KIO Club, Kora in Okrane, Monique Graham, Water Charity, water program
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EVE BURNS Kora in Okrane (KIO) received a boost last week for their Dren in Mour project when they received a donation of $15,000 from Water Charity, a non-profit organization in California. KIO’s Vice President July Note Jordan expressed appreciation to the executive members of Water Charity during a virtual meeting late last week. July […]
By Journal on October 1, 2020
AUSAID, cmi, Eve Burns, KIO Club, MIEPI, MOHHS, Taiwan, WHO, WUTMI
News Archive

A march against domestic violence and substance abuse was sponsored and organized by many NGOs and government-related donor partners on September 24 in Majuro. The silent peace walk generated a great turn out. Many showed up to demonstrate support by either walking from the RRE area to Delap Park or from MAWC in Batkan to […]
By Journal on April 12, 2019
Andrew Hisiah, Hilary Hosia, KIO Club, manlui Herman
Feature Articles
A recent visit to Namdrik Atoll by the Ministry of Health and Human Services and the Kora In Okarane (KIO) Club generated plenty of community interest, with the whole community turning out for a range of health services provided by the visiting team. In addition, KIO members distributed water filtration systems to the residents as […]
By Journal on August 9, 2018
KIO Club, Solomon Sam Sports Court
Feature Articles

The action was ferocious during the KIO Club’s Brain Gain youth Ralik Ratak Basketball Tournament, which recently wrapped up at CMI’s SSG Solomon Sam Sports Court. In the 13-under competition, Team Lae defeated Team Ebon 61-35 to win the championship. In the 16-under division, Team Majuro (blue) beat Team Likiep 62-47 in the final. Caption: […]
By Journal on June 29, 2018
CMI’s SSG Solomon Sam Memorial Sports Court, Jessica Olsen, Kathleen deBrum, KIO Club, Lulu Lejjena, RMI national team players, Rose Shimaoka, Yuuzi Maddison
Feature Articles

Demonstrating the popularity of basketball in Majuro town, several dozen children in the under-13 age group turned out for a week-long basketball clinic at the CMI court. The clinic was part of the KIO Club’s Summer Brain Gain program that went into high gear following its launch earlier in June. Three RMI women’s national team […]
By Journal on March 23, 2018
Emma Kabua-Tibon, Francyne Wase-Jacklick, Iia Graham, KIO Club, Monique Graham, Shamanda Hanerg, UNDP, United Nations Development Program, Yoshiko Yamaguchi-Capelle
Feature Articles

The United Nations Development Program’s GEG Small Grant program is supporting an extension of the KIO Club’s “One Household Per Smokeless Stove Project and Distribution of Water Filters” project for households around the Marshall Islands. KIO Club President Emma Kabua-Tibon and UNDP Program Manager Yoshiko Yamaguchi-Capelle signed the agreement earlier this week. The grand of […]