By Journal on December 22, 2022
2022, Capital, Christmas Lighting, Darlene Korok, Eve Burns, Finance’s Division of International Development Assistance, Ginger kabua, Jiba Kabua, Local Businesses, Majuro Cooperative School, Mejerik Club, Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs, Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce, Randon Jack, Robert Taylor, ROC Embassy, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

EVE BURNS Chilly air, drizzling rain and Christmas music really set the vibe for the annual Mejerik Club’s Christmas lighting ceremony. The Christmas lighting started during President Christopher Loeak’s administration. Later, the Mejerik Club was formed and made the lighting ceremony an ongoing special event. It is one of the most enjoyable things to do […]
By Journal on December 16, 2022
Dorine Laura Korwan, Ebeye Chamber of Commerce, Hilary Hosia, Kawasaki mule, Lokojbar Jepta, Marshall Islands Chamber of Commerce, Mejerik Club, US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles

Christmas is just around the corner — the most anticipated month of the year. As the countdown for Christmas is getting closer, the biit practices are intensifying across the country as evidenced by the Lokojbar Jepta in Delap last weekend. Meanwhile, Tuesday this week, the Ebeye Chamber of Commerce held its annual Christmas parade — […]
By Journal on March 31, 2022
Ainikien Kora Forum, Australian Aid, Chewy Lin, ICC, IOM, Jeledrik Binejal, Jeremiah Knight, Kitene Alberttar, Kitlang kabua, Mejerik Club, Rebecca Lorennij, SPC, US Embassy, WUTMI
News Archive

A National Women’s Forum started this week Wednesday at the International Conference Center in Majuro. A large turnout of well over 100 people came together for the Ainikien Kora Forum (literally, the Voice of Women Forum). The major focus of the event is to “raise awareness across all key stakeholders and national decision makers about […]
By Journal on December 24, 2021
Chewy Lin, Christmas Lighting Ceremony 2021, Glen Joseph, Handyme Lamin, Laura Elementary School, Majuro Middle School, Marshall Islands High School, Mejerik Club, Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce, Moriana Phillip, Rairok Elementary School, Randon Jack, Rita Elementary School, Santa Claus Ben Wakefield, Tommy Lokeijak, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles
WILMER JOEL The former capital building was turned into a Tropical Christmas Wonderland illuminated with flickering lights which embellished the entire area during the Christmas Lighting Ceremony last Friday arranged by the RMI government and the Mejerik Club. The venue was packed with children as well as families waiting for the Christmas lights to shimmer […]