By Journal on August 28, 2020
Anja Andy, Bethseda Obed, Billy Roberts, Clement Capelle, Frank Mojilong, Ian Pickering, Jimata Kabua, Kalemen Jinuna, Karlin Jarom, Ladie Jack, Milton Zackios, Oktan Damon, Parker Wilson, Patrick Chen, Timothy Anok, Tira Keju
Back In The Day

Journal 8/26/1983 P3 Workshop finished A workshop to deal with the developing problem of juvenile delinquency ended August 24 at the court house here. Saipan-based juvenile specialist Ted Glenn went through explanations regarding report filing, handling cases in four and methods of interviewing nine local residents who participated in the workshop. Those local residents are: […]
By Journal on February 7, 2019
Ablos Paul, Caios Lucky, Carl Ingram, Helena Paul, Milton Zackios, Risse Lucky
News Archive

Following the recent retirement of long-time District Court Presiding Judge Milton Zackios, other judges have been elevated in the District Court system. Last Thursday, Judge Ablos Paul took the oath of office to become the Presiding Judge of the District Court. Next, Caios Lucky, a long-time substitute judge, took the oath to become a full […]
By Journal on January 4, 2019
Carl Ingram, Milton Zackios, Tarry Paul, Witten Philippo
Feature Articles

Judges in the court room: District Court Presiding Judge Milton Zackios (second from left) retired from the bench in late December after 15 years as a judge. With him on his last day at work, was, from left: High Court Chief Justice Carl Ingram, Zackios, District Court Judge Tarry Paul, and High Court Judge Witten […]
By Journal on February 1, 2018
Alson Kelen, Bill Graham, Bruce Kijiner, Dave Moss, Hilda Heine, Jamurlok Kabua, Milton Zackios, Rhea Moss-Christian, Sadako Makato Ysawa Moss, Waan Aelon in Majel
News Archive

An administration of oath ceremony was held January 26 in the Cabinet conference room to formally swear in the three members of the Marshall Islands National Nuclear Commission. As provided in the law passed by the Nitijelã last year establishing the Commission, its primary duty is to develop a detailed strategy and plan of action […]
By Journal on February 4, 2016
Alfred Alfred Jr., Amenta Matthew, Brenson S. Wase, Cabinet, Hilda Heine, John Silk, Kalani Kaneko, Kenneth Kedi, Mattlan Zackhras, Mike Halferty, Milton Zackios, RMI Cabinet, Thomas Heine, Tony Muller, Wilbur Heine
News Archive

The new members of the President Hilda Heine’s Cabinet took the oath of office Monday during a swearing-in ceremony administered by District Court Presiding Judge Milton Zackios at the International Conference Center. The ceremony took place following President Heine’s submission of nominations to Speaker Kenneth Kedi for appointment as Ministers of the Cabinet, pursuant to […]