By Journal on January 30, 2025
David Asiea, Majuro polluters, Moriana Phillip, RMI EPA
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RMI EPA General Manager Moriana Phillip warned would-be polluters of Majuro lagoon that EPA is focused on monitoring and enforcement of fines for polluters. In a social media post that included photos of EPA staff checking fishing-related vessels anchored in the lagoon and the lagoon generally, Phillip underlined the point that “EPA maintains presence in […]
By Journal on December 26, 2024
Moriana Phillip, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, RMI EPA, SPC
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Six Majuro schools now have access to safe drinking water systems that use filtered rain water. The program to get reliable and safe drinking water was implemented by the RMI EPA in partnership with donors the Pacific Community known as SPC and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Water stations were built […]
By Journal on September 12, 2024
Edna L. Buchan, Handel Dribo, Melvin Kilma, Moriana Phillip, MWSC, Nicky Komanta, Paul Paul, Richardo Jarom, RMI EPA, Voneric Boktok
News Archive

“Three great wins for the Marshall Islands,” is how RMI EPA General Manager Moriana Phillip described the recertification of a team of water quality laboratory staff. She listed the developments in the past few days: The annual Water Quality Audit conducted by US-based Nimbus Environmental Services representative Edna Buchan resulted in the EPA laboratory and […]
By Journal on January 18, 2024
Bremity Lakjohn, Clarence Luther, Francyne Wase-Jacklick, Iva Reimers Roberto, Japan Embassy, Jefferson Barton, Junior Patrick, Moriana Phillip, Namdrik, Tanaka Kazunari, Thomas Heine, Wisely Zackhras
News Archive

EVE BURNS Japan Embassy kick started the year with many completed projects and more on the way. Ambassador Tanaka Kazunari handed over four boats to Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) General Manager Moriana Phillip last Thursday. The boats are 37 feet long. Witnessing the ceremony were Minister in Assistance to the President Bremity Lakjohn, Auditor General […]
By Journal on March 9, 2023
Covid, Hikoyuki Ukai, J-PRISM3, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Makoto Watanabe, Moriana Phillip, Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management in Pacific Island, RMI Environmental Protection Authority, Yoshiki Narita
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The Marshall Islands and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed an agreement last month for the third phase of a Marshall Islands and Pacific regional solid waste program to move into gear. The program is officially known as the Project for Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management in Pacific Island Countries Phase […]
By Journal on June 24, 2022
Aaron Langinlur, College of the Marshall Islands, David Aiseia, Dive Certified, Jimson Lajkan, Karl Fellenius, Max Sudnovsky, Melvin Kilma, Moriana Phillip, RMI EPA, University of Hawaii Sea Grant program, Voneric Boktok
Feature Articles

A team of RMI EPA staff took on the PADI open water dive course and passed with flying colors, according to the organization. In addition to this being a useful skill to have for people living on atolls, the effort raises capacity at RMI EPA for doing more comprehensive environmental assessments and responses to pollution […]
By Journal on March 10, 2022
CMAC, CNMI, Dolores debrum Kattil, Emman Kabua -Tibon, Eve Burns, Florence Edwards, FSM, Guam, Iva Reimers-Roberto, John Silk, Micronesia Challenge, MIMRA, Moriana Phillip, Palau, PAN, Reimaanlok
News Archive

EVE BURNS Marshall Islands Marine Resource Authority launched its Protected Area Network (PAN) office last week at International Conference Center. The PAN program vision is for a sustainable and resilient Marshall Islands where natural and cultural resources are effectively managed and conserved for future generations. Their mission to secure and enable mobilization of resources in […]
By Journal on December 24, 2021
Chewy Lin, Christmas Lighting Ceremony 2021, Glen Joseph, Handyme Lamin, Laura Elementary School, Majuro Middle School, Marshall Islands High School, Mejerik Club, Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce, Moriana Phillip, Rairok Elementary School, Randon Jack, Rita Elementary School, Santa Claus Ben Wakefield, Tommy Lokeijak, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles
WILMER JOEL The former capital building was turned into a Tropical Christmas Wonderland illuminated with flickering lights which embellished the entire area during the Christmas Lighting Ceremony last Friday arranged by the RMI government and the Mejerik Club. The venue was packed with children as well as families waiting for the Christmas lights to shimmer […]
By Journal on April 9, 2021
Moriana Phillip, RMI EPA, World Water Day
Feature Articles

UN World Water Day on Monday was celebrated late last month outside the RMI Environmental Protection Authority office. The agency hosted training sessions outside the office that were joined in by dozens of interested people. The training presentations including how to use bleach to disinfect things and how to use it to treat drinking water, alternative treatments […]
By Journal on February 25, 2021
David Kabua, Giff Johnson, Majuro Atoll Waste Company, Majuro garbage, Moriana Phillip, RMI EPA
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Shades of 2005 — when garbage was pouring out of the Batkan dump onto the main road, forcing drivers to veer around it — have returned to the Batkan dump. For months, at a standstill on expansion or a new site, the dump has seen tons of garbage continue pouring into the facility. […]