By Journal on December 14, 2023
Alfred Alfred Jr., Bernard Adiniwin, Casten Nemra, Daisy Alik-Momotaro, Gerald Zackios, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Jemi Nashion, Jiba Kabua, John Silk, Kenneth Kedi, Kitlang kabua, Marie Milne, Mike Kabua, Nitijela, Peterson JIbas, RMI election, RMI Electoral Administration, Sonny Bakidri Milne, Sonny Milne, Tommy Kijiner
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON The final unofficial election results were issued by the Electoral Administration Tuesday December 12 this week, confirming that 13 Nitijela seats will change hands. Most postal absentee votes either didn’t arrive in time or were rejected for technical reasons, muting their impact. It appeared that only one Nitijela race — Likiep — was […]
By Journal on October 26, 2023
2023 RMI election, Ben Kiluwe, Hilary Hosia, RMI election
News Archive

HILARY HOSIAEligible Marshallese voters residing overseas will have the opportunity to cast their votes ahead of the November 20 National Election Day following the sending off of 1,135 postal ballots on Tuesday. Officials from the Electoral Office and Marshall Islands Postal Services have been working meticulously after hours at the International Conference Center since last […]
By Journal on December 4, 2015
RMI election, Robson Almen
News Archive

Election officials worked from mid-morning Tuesday until 5:30am Wednesday December 2 to check and sort all incoming postal absentee ballots that arrived by Monday, the 14-day deadline day for postals. This overnight work pushed the tabulation for postal ballots to Wednesday evening, with Chief Electoral Officer Robson Almen announcing the start of postal tabulating from […]
By Journal on November 26, 2015
Bruce Bilimon, Caios Lucky, David Kramer, David Paul, Donald Capelle, Hiroshi Yamamura, Jeban Riklon, Jiba Kabua, Kalani Kaneko, Michael Konelios, Mike Kabua, Minister Tony deBrum, Phillip Muller, Rien Morris, RMI election, Sherwood Tibon
News Archive

Voters want change and new directions for the RMI, two winning candidates told the Journal this week. “The people have spoken and they want change,” said incumbent Majuro Senator David Kramer, who is being returned to office with 2,477 domestic votes in the Majuro electorate. “They want a new government and that is evidenced by […]
By Journal on November 20, 2015
counting, RMI, RMI election
Feature Articles
Some election observers, including some in the United States, expressed surprise that the RMI is still “hand counting” votes for the 2015 national election. Yes, it’s true: hand counting has been the norm from election number one in 1979 to election number 10 this week. Given the combination of things that bedevil technology in the […]