By Journal on November 25, 2022
177 agreement, 1985, Back in the Day, Compact’s “espousal”, Cranston, James McClure, Kennedy, Kerry, Matsunaga, Metzenbaum, nuclear testing, Paul Simon, US
Back In The Day

Journal 11/29/1985 P1 Espousal slammed in Senate Six US Senators went on raced before the Compact voter earlier this month stating their opposition to the Compact’s “espousal” provisions, primarily on the grounds that it is unconstitutional. In addition, Sen. James McClure, who chairs the Senate Energy Committee, said that if new claims arise in the […]
By Journal on January 23, 2020
Eve Burns, Laura, RMI VIP, Taiwan, TTM, US
News Archive

EVE BURNS Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) located at Laura celebrated the “Enhancing Livelihood through Smart Agriculture” project last Saturday. A new hydroponic system was officially kicked off January 18 by visiting Republic of China (Taiwan) Deputy Foreign Minister Dr. Hsu Szu-chien with Minister of Natural Resources and Commerce Sandy Alfred. Hydroponics is a method of […]
By Journal on November 14, 2019
Hilary Hosia, Karen Stewart, Marshall Islands, Meghan Kleinstiber, Suzanne Lawrence, US
News Archive

The Marshall Islands government recently received a delegation comprised of officials from the US Departments of State, Interior and Defense as part of a “listening tour” to the Freely Associated States. Heading the US delegation was Suzanne Lawrence who is Director for the Office of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands under the Bureau […]
By Journal on November 8, 2019
Luther Hemos, Meria Ralpho, tobolar, US, Yoko lokboj
Back In The Day

Journal 11/8/1982 P4 US sets up military space command After a quarter century of mostly peaceful exploration of spec, the United States has begun a vast expansion of its military operations there. In the next five years, the Reagan administration plans to increase spending on military operations in space even faster than the rest of […]
By Journal on November 7, 2019
China, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Majuro, RMI, US
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON The November 18 national election is arguably the most significant in the RMI’s history. The vote will elect national leadership that will be responsible to oversee negotiations with the US for post-2023 Compact funding and to guide the RMI through a period of increasingly contentious relations between China and the US, which has […]
By Journal on June 14, 2019
Giff Johnson, hospital, Isaac Marty, Majuro, US
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON A small fire on an electrical panel in the TB ward Monday caused power to go off for the facility at Majuro hospital. It confirms ongoing power issues that plague Majuro hospital’s electrical system — problems highlighted in an assessment of the electrical system conducted late last month by a US expert. “The […]
By Journal on June 7, 2019
Amata Kabua, Ataji Balos, President, Tony deBrum, US
Back In The Day

Journal6/8/1982 P1 President asks public to study Compact President Amata Kabua and Foreign Secretary Tony deBrum returned from the United States today and reported to leaders and the public assembled at the government building that the Cmpact of Free Association had been signed. Kabua said in addition to the Compact itself, the agreements for radiation […]
By Journal on May 3, 2019
Amatlain Kabua, Brenson S. Wase, RMI, Robert Reimers Enterprises, US
Back In The Day

Journal 5/4/1982 P1 US and Marshalls far apart on radiation pact The governments of the United States and the Marshall Islands are still talking about political status matters but negotiations on an agreement on compensation and programs for radiation-affected people have virtually ended. The lawyers for the Marshall Islands Atomic Testing Litigation Project (MIATLP) representing […]
By Journal on November 16, 2018
Bob Cowan, Marshall Islands, US
Back In The Day

Journal 11/20/1981 P1 US government sued for $6 billion The Marshall Islands Atomic Testing Litigation Project (MIATLP) filed lawsuits against the US government in September asking $6 billion in compensation for damage to 15 atolls and islands, according to Bob Cowan, one of the attorneys here on a visit to the Majuro office. P5 Leaking […]
By Journal on April 27, 2017
Australia, Canada, England, FADs, France, Manni Kalisperis, Pacifical, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, Simplot, Spain, Sweden, US
News Archive

The PNA’s Pacifical tuna label was praised by a major Australian food company for being the “only true sustainable” fishing model in the world. Over the last 15 months, Australian-based Simplot, a large agricultural and seafood supply company with annual sales over $5 billion, has sold 100 million cans of tuna with the Pacifical/Marine Stewardship […]