By Journal on July 5, 2018
Agricultural Program, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Telecommunications services, US Department of Education, US Postal Service
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON The number “2023” is getting talked about more as the date approaches. This is the last year for grant funding under the Compact of Free Association. It is also the year that RMI access to some US federal programs ends or changes. The recently issued US Government Accountability Office report on the RMI […]
By Journal on July 5, 2018
Alexander Adiniwin, Andrew Adiniwin, Andrew Bing, Bollong Joklur, Edward Adiniwin, Hilary Hosia, Isaiah Kramer, Jr., Kaiser Muller, Kalimen Pabro, Richard Adiniwin, Waylon Muller
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Who’s ready for gold? They are. The Marshall Islands Wrestling team is sending an elite team of wrestlers to compete in the 2018 Micronesian Games in Yap in the Federated States of Micronesia this week. The eight competitors including coaches all have a record of winning their matches. “Before we take off, we […]
By Journal on June 29, 2018
Bikini Atoll, Dennis Haysbert, Edward Maddison, Pearl Harbor
Back In The Day

Journal 6/26/1981 P1 Women called to more active role The Radrik Dron women members of Majuro’s United Church of Christ today had a chance to hear advice to take a more active role in their country’s decision making and not just let men make the decisions. The person telling them that was not a man, […]
By Journal on June 29, 2018
CMI’s SSG Solomon Sam Memorial Sports Court, Jessica Olsen, Kathleen deBrum, KIO Club, Lulu Lejjena, RMI national team players, Rose Shimaoka, Yuuzi Maddison
Feature Articles

Demonstrating the popularity of basketball in Majuro town, several dozen children in the under-13 age group turned out for a week-long basketball clinic at the CMI court. The clinic was part of the KIO Club’s Summer Brain Gain program that went into high gear following its launch earlier in June. Three RMI women’s national team […]
By Journal on June 29, 2018
Chief Justice Daniel Cadra, Judge Michael Seabright, Judge Richard Seeborg, Supreme Court
News Archive

The Marshall Islands Supreme Court panel of three judges held its session in Majuro last week with one new face on the team. The RMI Supreme Court session last Wednesday handled four civil matters, but in contrast to the majority of past Supreme Court sessions, none of these involved disputes among Marshall Islanders. All of […]
By Journal on June 28, 2018
Carl Ingram, Hilary Hosia, Jejwarick Anton, Kenneth Kedi, Luren, Mike Halferty, President Hilda Heine, Senator Jack Ading, Thomas Heine
News Archive

President Hilda Heine removed Senator Mike Halferty from her Cabinet last Thursday. The removal of Halferty took the form of a memo from the President titled: “Revocation of appointment and vacation of office by Minister.” The brief memo signed by the President stated that by the power vested in her by the RMI Constitution, “I…do […]
By Journal on June 28, 2018
cmi, Hilary Hosia, Jabor, Jaluit
News Archive

The establishment of the College of Marshall Islands’ Distance Education Center on Jabor has been beneficial to students living on Jaluit. The facility is equipped with state of the art equipment that allows college and Adult Basic Education (ABE) students on Jabor to engage with instructors at the main campus in Majuro. The air-conditioned school […]
By Journal on June 22, 2018
Bill Sakovich, Kessai Note, Olympics, Rick Blas, Rien Morris, Witten Philippo
Back In The Day

Journal 6/19/1981 P1 Dropout problem at MIHS graduation Amid the joy of Marshall Islands High School’s 17th commencement, graduates and education officials alike wondered, “Where are the rest?” The class of 1981 finished in ceremonies at the Uliga Protestant Church, with only 60 members, the lowest in many years. Principal Tony Jetnil was the first […]
By Journal on June 22, 2018
Glen Joseph, Papua New Guinea, purse seiners, rebates, tuna
Feature Articles

GIFF JOHNSON The Marshall Islands is watching with interest a new commercial tuna management system launched by Papua New Guinea earlier this year. The recently implemented system by PNG’s National Fisheries Authority rewards purse seiners for landing tuna to be processed on shore in PNG because this increases job opportunities at tuna canneries and processing […]
By Journal on June 22, 2018
Lyla Lemari, World Oceans Day
News Archive

The Uliga community conducted a day-long underwater cleanup last weekend. Originally planned from Loelen to Lotodrik wetos, the over 50 volunteers could not reach the other sites due to the heavily infested waters of Loelen and Lejolimen. Nearly 15,000 pounds of old tires, boat parts, aluminum cans, construction materials, household appliances and many more were […]