TB a health emergency

TB a health emergency

Journal 12/12/1986 P1 RepMar slices big budgetThe biggest budget ever for the Marshall Islands was introduced into the Nitijela last Wednesday, but major program cuts in nearly every ministry forced repeated delays in Nitijela consideration of the final package as ministers battled for every dollar in the $126,136,800 budget. The Compact is providing $41 million, […]

Students showcase semester projects

Students showcase semester projects

Students from the College of the Marshall Islands and the Upward Bound program presented their semester-long work at a festival held last week at the Uliga campus. The event heralded the end of the fall semester. “The event aims to celebrate student resilience and determination,” said Library Director Verenaisi Bavadra, who made the welcome remarks […]

Hilda resigns over fossil fuels

Hilda resigns over fossil fuels

GIFF JOHNSON Despite former Marshall Islands President Hilda Heine’s resignation late last week from a key global climate advisory committee and early conflicts emerging over the Pacific Islands’ demand for a phase out of fossil fuels and the COP President’s pushback on this central climate issue, Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General Henry Puna said from […]

Weightlifters star in Solomons

Weightlifters star in Solomons

EVE BURNS Four athletes from the RMI weightlifting team returned home last Friday after medaling in the Pacific Games in Solomon Islands. They left home and their families to train and compete for Marshall Islands, won all 10 of RMI’s Pacific Games medals, but returned to be met with no appreciation at the airport except […]

Frank covers TOEFL fees

Frank covers TOEFL fees

Journal 12/5/1986 P1 Taking task forces to taskThat governments in Micronesia are big and unwieldy is nothing new. But if you thought the many-layered bureaucracy in the Marshall Islands was cumbersome, get a load of this one. In the Federated States of Micronesia, lawmakers have come to the conclusion that something must be done about […]

13 get BAs

13 get BAs

Thirteen students in the College of the Marshall Islands Bachelor of Arts in Elementary (BAEE) Education program have completed their courses and are waiting to graduate in May next year. They are the sixth cohort to graduate from this program. Faith Lanwi, one of the soon-to-be graduates, says it takes four semesters or two academic […]

Ebeye team tracks water safety

Ebeye team tracks water safety

HILARY HOSIA Even limited to a four-man team, the Environmental Protection Authority on Ebeye continues to ensure drinking water is safe for public consumption on top of its many tasks. Ebeye’s miniature stature EPA (compared to Majuro) is an advantage for the EPA crew when it comes to conducting water quality tests, which EPA does […]

US pride in Aur service

US pride in Aur service

JACOB WOITZEL* US Navy and Marshallese medical personnel delivered a joint effort to eliminate tuberculosis in Aur Atoll during the Pacific Partnership visit earlier this month. “Together, with our Marshallese partners, we are testing all residents of Aur for tuberculosis, and also starting treatment for those who tested positive,” said Lt. Hoel Rupert David, officer […]

Youth proud to vote

Youth proud to vote

WILMER JOEL Election day in the Marshall Islands saw a varied turnout of voters. From seven in the morning until seven in the evening on Monday, young and old Marshallese voters waited at the polling stations. Throughout the day, there were fluctuations in voter turnout, but some polling stations, such as Maloelap, Namo, Aur, Arno, […]

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