Christmas time in the city

Christmas time in the city

Christmas time is underway in the Marshall Islands. Stores are playing Christmas music, V7AB is playing holiday tunes, and decorations are going up all around town. So far, Majuro Atoll Local Government has the most impressive display of lights. Meantime, last week Ministry of Works employees were out adorning the street lights along Amata Kabua […]

World Bank $60m for MEC

World Bank $60m for MEC

The World Bank will pump $60 million into the Marshalls Energy Company for a mix of alternative energy systems for Majuro, Ebeye and six outer islands where MEC supports power operations. There is no funding in the new grant for new diesel-powered generators. The goal appears to be to provide MEC with solar power capacity […]

Majuro five are still alive

Majuro five are still alive

Journal 11/20/1987 P1 Majuro five still aliveMajuro’s five incumbents head the list of vote getters in the final but unofficial vote count for all Mauro election wards. The unofficial results showed President Amata Kabua at the top, Hemos Jack was second, while Phillip Muller and Tony deBrum were a close third and fourth. Henry Samuel […]

RMI active at COP29

RMI active at COP29

From President Hilda Heine to a large contingent of Marshallese youth, the Marshall Islands has been actively participating in the global climate summit, COP29, in Azerbaijan since late last week. Marshall Islands youth representative at COP29 Jewan Jamore spoke at the Global Centre for Climate Mobility side event at the the Climate Summit in Azerbaijan […]

‘Enra’ program deluged with applicants

‘Enra’ program deluged with applicants

HILARY HOSIA If you are concerned whether you will miss out on the “Enra” registration because you are off island temporarily, well, great news: Registration will continue at Marshall Islands Social Security Administration office after the current initial two-week registration period ends. The Enra program is also known as the Universal Basic Income system, which […]

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