Back In The Day

Kuwaiti VIP offers aid?

Kuwaiti VIP offers aid?

Journal 4/5/1985 P1 Schools face hard facts The Marshall Islands “have inherited a solid base on which they are building their national educational systems,” said the State Department in recent Congressional testimony. Despite this optimistic assessment, local educators and administrators are beset with an education system that has the highest high school drop out rate […]

MEC power rate up 7.5¢

MEC power rate up 7.5¢

Journal 3/29/1985P1 Fire destroys KITCO By Bill Graham Another historic Pacific retail landmark passed into history March 25, the victim of a devastating fire. Like MIECO here in Majuro, whose collapsed roof several years ago led to its eventual razing, and like the True Trading Company in Moen and the Western Carolines Trading Company in […]

Bill to stop postal votes

Bill to stop postal votes

Journal 3/15/1985 P1 Marshallese girls excel at Honolulu high school Three Marshallese girls have been commended for their play with the Kaimuki High School varsity girls softball team in Honolulu. Nancy Matauto of Majuro and Jackie Matsumura of Ebeye were outfielders and Maile Kaaiakamanu of Ebeye was the shortstop. P12 Ebeye residents celebrate A combination […]

SPIA to start flying to RMI

SPIA to start flying to RMI

Journal 3/1/1985 P1 SPIA Majuro to start March 20 The much-awaited South Pacific Island Airways service to the Marshall Islands begins March 20 and SPIA is expected to offer substantial discounts over current airfare costs. P4 Ebeye litterbugs facing extinction Litter-strewn beaches have been the rule rather than the exception on Ebeye — up until […]

RMI urban life is tough

RMI urban life is tough

Journal 2/22/1985 P1 Rongelap poised for evacuation The people of Rongelap Atoll are preparing to evacuate their home island, fearing high levels of residual radiation from nuclear tests of the 1950s. Rongelap Senator Jeton Anjain is currently on Rongelap discussing resettlement plans with the 250 people residing there. The Rongelapese want to move to Ebadon […]

Compact set to be signed

Compact set to be signed

Journal 2-8-1985 P1 Reagan anticipates Compact The Reagan administration has cut $98 million out of its territories budget request for fiscal year 1986 in anticipation that the Congress will approve the Compact of Free Association. P2 MIHS Honor Roll First semester seniors: Runiston Gideon, George Hitchfield, Jibella Lamille, Helmer Lang, Jimmy Langley and Clena Pero. […]

Kili hit by high waves

Kili hit by high waves

Journal 2/1/1985 P1 Audit General report serves as foundation The Auditor General has submitted his second report to the Nitijela. Auditor General Brian Riordan stated in the report that RepMar accounts are almost all unauditable as a result of the “legacy of the Trust Territory.” He noted that RepMar “has never prepared comprehensive financial statements, […]

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