Back In The Day

Jiba,Justin get the nod

Jiba,Justin get the nod

Journal 1/25/1985 P4 Around Town Peter Coleman, former American Samoa Governor, was in Majuro last week for a brief stop on his way to the Northern Marianas. He visited with Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum among other government officials. P11 New hospital administrators The Sisters of Mercy, a Catholic health group, will manage the new hospital […]

Maui rejects the Bikinians

Maui rejects the Bikinians

Journal 1/18/1985 P1 Bikinians move to Maui opposed A public hearing was held in Maui December 13 to discuss the proposed move of the Bikini people to Waihee area of Maui. According to the Maui News, the residents of Waihee “seemed unanimously opposed” to the idea “although they expressed sympathy with the plight of the […]

Population reaches zero

Population reaches zero

Journal 1/8/1973 P4 Does Majuro need a full-time mayor? The Majuro Chamber of Commerce passed a resolution during its regular meeting December 29 asking the District Administrator to create a full-time position of magistrate for the Darrit-Uliga-Delap Municipality. The present position of magistrate is held by Birash Joash, a middle-aged soft-spoken Marshallese who works full-time […]

Boy scout host a camp

Boy scout host a camp

Journal 1/4/1974 P7 Boy Scouts first camp First aid, swimming and lifesaving, map reading, using a compass, knots and lashing, safe handling of ax, saw and knife — these basic skills were presented to 221 Majuro Boy Scouts and their leaders, in a five-day camp held over the New Year’s weekend on Majuro’s Ebaden Island. […]

Majol mokta in Polio care

Majol mokta in Polio care

Journal 12/23/1974 P1 A place of human caring By Dick Tullis Medicine has long been one of the strong suits of the Saipan Administration. Now, augmenting that reputation, the Majuro Rehabilitation Center has scored another big number one for Trust Territory medicine. Its fame is spreading. Hospitals and orthopedic surgeons throughout the South Seas are […]

Majuro gets new airport

Majuro gets new airport

Journal 12/12/1972 P1 Majuro’s new airport opens The new Majuro airport opened December 9 for the first time, representing the culmination of more than two years of work by American International Constructors of Seattle and the US Army Corps of Engineers. The 7,000-foot strip will be only the second civil airfield in the entire three […]

High tides flood Majuro

High tides flood Majuro

Journal 12/14/2984 P1 Majuro municipalities ordered to amalgamate Trust Territory Judge Richard Miyamoto December 7 decided that the municipalities of Laura and Darrit-Uliga-Delap musts combine into one entity and comply with the Local Government Act enacted by the Nitijela regarding the establishment and jurisdictions of such bodies.  P19 Nine Group contracts The Republic of China […]

Alik, Witten new lawyers

Alik, Witten new lawyers

Journal 12/7/1984 P1 Churches say US bullies Micronesia A former staff member of the Pacific Conference of Churches is accusing the United States of bullying the small states of Micronesia into accepting an independence treaty favorable to US military interests. Rev. David Williams, speaking at a recent hearing of the US House of Representatives, said […]

Rita Hawks win the cup

Rita Hawks win the cup

Journal 11/30/1984 P1 Gibson’s open The long-anticipated opening of the new Gibson’s shopping venter in Delap is scheduled to occur Saturday. It signals the beginning of a new phase of development in the Marshall Islands, a switch over from the long established practice of “selling” to the more sophisticated game of “merchandising.” The entry of […]

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