Back In The Day

Kessai, Neri top tossers

Kessai, Neri top tossers

Journal 7/2/1976 P1 Voice of Marshalls opposes MPSC An organization in the Marshalls District has cabled the United Nations Trusteeship Council in New York objecting to the official representation to be made by members of the Marshalls Political Status Commission. The organization claims that the Commission’s position has not yet been accepted or rejected by […]

Upgrade for the ECC gym

Upgrade for the ECC gym

Journal 6/25/1976 P1 Decorated by Iroij Mo Shopping in Majuro may not be all that exciting in terms of exotic things to buy — but one store here certainly creates an exotic atmosphere in which to buy our staple items. The MR Store is located on the main road in Utirik Kan and has the […]

CMI is now accredited

CMI is now accredited

Journal 6/18/1976 P1 A new post office for Majuro With final touches being applied, Robert Reimers Enterprises recent expansion to a post office/office complex prepares for its grand opening. Constructed by Island Construction Company, the new facility offers first class office space on the second level. P2 Coleman off to Marshalls Trust Territory Acting High […]

MIHS honors 23 students

MIHS honors 23 students

Journal 6/10/1974 P1 Convention delegate election ho hum Election Day June 4 for the upcoming Constittuion Convention of all six districts of Micronesia. In most districts it was an election day like any other, with a fair representation of voters taking place. In the Marshalls, however, where the question of voting or not voting was […]

Amata buys Saab planes

Amata buys Saab planes

Journal 6/6/1975 P2 ‘The negotiations have failed’ “We have arrived at a dead end. The negotiations have failed,” Senator Wilfred Kendall told the UN concerning Micronesia’s future status negotiations last week. Senator Kendall, a special advisor to the US delegation at the 42nd UN Trusteeship Council, said Micronesia’s objectives of “free association” with the US […]

RMI loses $4.7m funding

RMI loses $4.7m funding

Journal 5/30/1975 P1 Micronesia may get 200-mile rights from LoS conference Micronesia represented itself at the United Nations Law of the Sea Conference recently in Geneva, Switzerland. The Micronesian delegation was headed by Marshalls Rep. Charles Domnick. Also at the meeting were Special Consultant Frederick Wyle, Special Advisor Andon Amaraich and Truk Senator Nick Bossy. […]

1,000 youth wants work

1,000 youth wants work

Journal May 23, 1975 P7 Claim to fame endangered Majuro’s mild claim to fame, the existence of three Checker Limousines was rocked this past week in a local court action resulting in the sidelining of the vehicles under force of a temporary restraining order issued by district judge Kabua Kabua. The order was issued against […]

Kwaj-RMI basketball series

Kwaj-RMI basketball series

Journal 5/7/1976 P11 The Nite Life by Stoney Talking with my Australian buddy Geoff Clark who just came back from Australia, he was saying about the service on Air Nauru is really excellent, and they really using their motto, “We’ll fly you across the Pacific and give you the best service you ever come across.” […]

Marose makes history

Marose makes history

Journal 5/2/1974 P1 Will Tinian have a choice? With a plebiscite scheduled for June 17, and the choices being whether to forever become an American commonwealth or remain part of the Trust Territory, many islanders on Tinian feel they will be “forced” by voters on other islands in the Marianas to carry the military burden. […]

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