Feature Articles

Aussies promote air service

Aussies promote air service

The Australian government has been hustling to provide charter flights into Majuro (and other island nations) via Solomon Airlines. This flight arrived late last week, the second flight into Majuro since borders reopened September 8. The flight connected Majuro to Tarawa and Brisbane. Under Australia’s Pacific Flights Program, this Solomon Airlines flight flew over 50 […]

Young entrepreneur’s art store

Young entrepreneur’s art store

EVE BURNS Covid did not stop a 14-year-old businesswoman. It resulted in a temporary closure of her store just days after it opened, but Layla’s Gallery is back in action. Layla’s Gallery held a soft opening late last month, not long before the first outbreak of Covid in RMI. The gallery sells painting and art […]

‘The Micronesians’ shine in Hawaii

‘The Micronesians’ shine in Hawaii

Two prominent Marshallese women are among nine Micronesian women who are featured in an upcoming photography exhibit in Honolulu that’s designed to challenge Hawaii stereotypes about Micronesians. Diplomat Isabela Silk, Consul General of the Marshall Islands to Hawaii, and attorney Arsima Muller, a partner in Honolulu’s oldest law firm, are in “The Micronesians,” a photo […]

CMI launches semester

CMI launches semester

WILMER JOEL The once empty College of the Marshall Islands campus in Uliga was full Monday with the start of the first day of school. Students were wearing face masks, and security monitored strict entry rules, allowing only those with ID badges. Students and teachers had to carry a valid CMI ID that has a […]

US backs Yap weaving research

NANCY GROCE* The Habele Outer Island Education Fund in the Federated States of Micronesia was one of 10 projects chosen to receive a highly-competitive Community Collections Grant from the American Folklife Center (AFC) through the Library’s Of the People: Widening the Path initiative. Funded by the Mellon Foundation, the grant program supports individuals and organizations […]

Formosa aids Woja community

Formosa aids Woja community

Formosa continues to live up to its motto of being a reliable neighbor by recently donating school supplies and 50 cases of milk to the Woja community. The donation was valued at $1,500 to “Make a difference” (Woja Majuro Kid Community) founder Ylissa Kendall for Woja community’s back-to-school carnival. “This event will help families and […]

Taiwan initiative engages youth

Taiwan initiative engages youth

How do get students with nothing to do stay busy during summer? Simple. Send them to a summer community activity. Taiwan’s Technical Mission teamed up with Taiwan Health Center and the Public School System to deliver a joint horticulture-nutrition-health activity at Marshall Islands High School July 28. A total of 51 students from elementary and […]

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