News Archive

DC showdown for KBE money

DC showdown for KBE money

US Senator Lisa Murkowski from Alaska followed through on her promise late last year to introduce legislation to mandate US Interior Department control over the Bikini Resettlement Trust Fund. A hearing on Senate Bill 2182 is set for next month in Washington, DC. Murkowski was angered by the Interior Department’s decision last November to give […]

Laura farms sprouting

Laura farms sprouting

KELLY LORENNIJ People call Laura “the jungle place,” when in fact “the country side” would be more accurate as the number of farms, some full-decked with crops and animals, have been steadily increasing in the past few years. Starting from the first district, Jeirok, there are already more than a couple of home-sized farms. Junior […]

Big crowd to see eye doc

Big crowd to see eye doc

HILARY HOSIA Since her first day working with local patients at the Majuro hospital last Wednesday, visiting Ophthalmologist Dr. Shih-Wen Wang has screened approximately 101 patients as of Tuesday, with 22 pending surgery cases. Hospital staff assisting Dr. Wang said she had three confirmed surgeries scheduled for Tuesday alone. Dr. Wang is from the Taipei […]

Interior meets President, veterans

Interior meets President, veterans

HILARY HOSIA Department of Interior Assistant Secretary Doug Domenech met with Marshallese veterans at the Marshall Islands Resort Tuesday following courtesy calls with President Hilda Heine and Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister John Silk earlier. There were 14 veterans who served in the US Armed Forces present in the forum, three of whom served more […]

Gearing up for Grease

Gearing up for Grease

GIFF JOHNSON After a couple of decades of directing big theater productions in the Marshall Islands, Dartmouth College Professor Emeritus Andrew Garrod knows how to deliver. Most important ingredients are “don’t waste time” and include the right people in direction and production of an event that will involve 40 or more actors. In the don’t […]

Alfred steps down from Cabinet

Alfred steps down from Cabinet

Minister Alfred Alfred, Jr. resigned from his Cabinet position Tuesday this week, a move announced in Nitijela Wednesday. President Hilda Heine announced Wednesday morning at Nitijela that Alfred had submitted his resignation from Cabinet Tuesday. She did not go into detail on the resignation except to recognize him for his service as Minister of Natural […]

Dental to open soon

Dental to open soon

Patients be patient: the dental department at Majuro hospital will soon resume services, possibly as early as later this week. The temporary halt to full services at the hospital’s dental clinic since the week prior to Christmas was to install new equipment to improve patient services. Patient chairs have already been installed and Ministry of […]

Marshallese studies get student interest

Marshallese studies get student interest

KELLY LORENNIJ The Marshallese Studies Department at CMI is seeing strong student enrollment for its classes in the Spring Semester of 2018 — an indication of Marshallese students wanting to learn more about their roots, say teachers in the program. The College of the Marshall Islands boasts a Marshallese Studies Department. Two packages of eight […]

Owners lock up Nitijela

Owners lock up Nitijela

GIFF JOHNSON Nitijela openings other than Presidential elections and votes of no confidence tend to present little drama, accounting for the generally low turnout of members of the public, aside from those attending to sing and government representatives — as was the case at Tuesday’s opening. But behind the scenes Tuesday, drama brewed as a […]

Job Corps students get internships

Job Corps students get internships

KELLY LORENNIJ Job Corps trainees are back on island for seasonal rest and recreation. However, the National Training Center (NTC) asked them for one business meeting two days shy of New Year’s Day. NTC’s mandate is to provide education and vocational training for Marshallese youth. It has ensured that its trainees become comfortable with skills […]