News Archive

Sustainable tuna tonnage to double

Sustainable tuna tonnage to double

Growing global market demand for MSC-certified tuna and fishing industry interest is expected to see “wild catch” tuna tonnage double from the waters of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement in 2017. The Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) operate a Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified free school caught skipjack and yellowfin tuna fishery in […]

Students like Japan Jenesys

Students like Japan Jenesys

Enjoyable and worthwhile was the observation of five students from the College of the Marshall Islands who recently returned from the annual Jenesys program trip to Japan. Kitrak Jibae, Jashaluja Masao, Kelly Lorennij, Neirose Batin, and Karmina Jude spent one-week on a student exchange trip which included visits to various memorial sites and cooking up […]

Team Pohnpei sweeps Majuro

Team Pohnpei sweeps Majuro

HILARY HOSIA I consider myself a basketball enthusiast. Whether it’s the mini-three on three tournaments at the Jisam Kaisha Basketball Court in Rita, the veterans league in Long Island, the BOMI Ralik Ratak Shootout at the SSG Solomon Sam Sports Center in Uliga or the May Day competitions at the Jones Center in Springdale, Arkansas. […]

MWSC pushes new service options

MWSC pushes new service options

ISAAC MARTY The biggest issue for Majuro Water and Sewer Company’s 20-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is the cost to provide services for customers as new infrastructure is installed and services improved. “There’s no use putting in the world’s best (water system) if people can’t afford it,” said MWSC Water and Sanitation Adviser Allen Gale […]

Pig production to escalate

Pig production to escalate

ROC Ambassador Daniel DW Tang and R&D Minister Alfred Alfred, Jr. jointly hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Taiwan Technical Mission’s new pig house last week. Speaker Kenneth Kedi, Minister Amenta Matthew, Senators David Kramer, Dennis Momotaro, Daisy Alik Momotaro, and Sherwood Tibon, US Ambassador Karen Stewart, R&D Secretary Rebecca Lorennij, Majuro Mayor Ladie […]