News Archive

Ebeye team tracks water safety

Ebeye team tracks water safety

HILARY HOSIA Even limited to a four-man team, the Environmental Protection Authority on Ebeye continues to ensure drinking water is safe for public consumption on top of its many tasks. Ebeye’s miniature stature EPA (compared to Majuro) is an advantage for the EPA crew when it comes to conducting water quality tests, which EPA does […]

US pride in Aur service

US pride in Aur service

JACOB WOITZEL* US Navy and Marshallese medical personnel delivered a joint effort to eliminate tuberculosis in Aur Atoll during the Pacific Partnership visit earlier this month. “Together, with our Marshallese partners, we are testing all residents of Aur for tuberculosis, and also starting treatment for those who tested positive,” said Lt. Hoel Rupert David, officer […]

Youth proud to vote

Youth proud to vote

WILMER JOEL Election day in the Marshall Islands saw a varied turnout of voters. From seven in the morning until seven in the evening on Monday, young and old Marshallese voters waited at the polling stations. Throughout the day, there were fluctuations in voter turnout, but some polling stations, such as Maloelap, Namo, Aur, Arno, […]

Pacific tuna hub? Investment needed

Pacific tuna hub? Investment needed

Two studies about the Marshall Islands by the global fish value chain development initiative FISH4ACP show that investing in cold storage facilities and tuna loading equipment can transform the Marshall Islands into a hub for tuna containerization, boosting economic growth and employment, while managing the environmental impact. “Tuna accounts for nearly all fisheries production and […]

Mayor Ladie back for third term

Mayor Ladie back for third term

GIFF JOHNSON In the still preliminary and unofficial vote tabulation, Majuro Mayor Ladie Jack was outpolling main challenger Margaret Alee Bigler by more than two-to-one and three of the four incumbent Majuro Nitijela members were showing the highest numbers. Incumbent Stephen Phillip and candidates David Kramer and Yolanda Lodge-Ned were locked in a battle for […]

Chamber memberships spikes in ’23

Chamber memberships spikes in ’23

Majuro Chamber of Commerce achieved a membership milestone this year, with 91 businesses and individuals joining since the beginning of 2023. The surge in membership is a testament to the growing enthusiasm within the private sector, reflecting a collective understanding that fostering the development of the private sector is integral to securing a stable and […]

Loeak crowned iroojlaplap

Loeak crowned iroojlaplap

HILARY HOSIA Christopher Jorebon Loeak was officially crowned paramount chief following his coronation ceremony at the United Church of Christ last Saturday. Hundreds in attendance and thousands more via the National Telecommunication Authority livestream witnessed Loeak being ordained on the alter by UCC Reverend Herbert Langijota. Reverend Langijota presented a Bible and Hymn to Loeak […]

CMI students: Vote!

CMI students: Vote!

A class at the College of the Marshall Islands has been in action to promote voting awareness and encourage students to vote in Monday’s national election. As part of their class project, about 30 students from CMI 101 sections two and three last week created posters, charts, surveys, and flyers with election-related content and posted […]

Resurrection week in Majuro

Resurrection week in Majuro

GIFF JOHNSON We don’t use the word “resurrection” lightly. But in the non-religious sphere of the Marshall Islands, we believe it is fitting to use that term for two events that took place largely out of the view of most local residents in Majuro. Twelve-and-a-half-years after the roof collapse halted use of the ECC national […]

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