News Archive

Ports activity sees people quarantined

Ports activity sees people quarantined

After last Friday’s COW session at Nitijela, which partly addressed concern about a proposed, then cancelled, Nauru Airlines flight to repatriate Marshallese student from Fiji, a Nauru Airlines flight did come to Majuro Friday morning. That flight, however, had no passengers and was only picking up a few LDS church missionaries and Australian citizens for […]

Red Cross connects in Wotho

Red Cross connects in Wotho

The Ebeye Red Cross branch team coordinated a First Aid and CPR Training with the Wotho Local Government last month. A total of 25 local residents were certified in First Aid and CPR that covers infants and children. Wotho residents were given the great opportunity to learn life saving skills. At the end of the […]

LDS missionaries return to US

LDS missionaries return to US

GIFF JOHNSON  A large group of missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) departed the Marshall Islands and Kiribati Saturday on a specially chartered Fiji Airways aircraft — a response to the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world. Approximately 50 LDS missionaries boarded the flight in Majuro, which followed a similar number […]

Ventilators arrive, more Covid-19 supplies on the way

Ventilators arrive, more Covid-19 supplies on the way

Ten new ventilators for Majuro and Ebeye hospitals arrived earlier this week, and a big load of Covid-19 health supplies are expected to be delivered Thursday afternoon this week. These are part of the Ministry of Health and Human Services push over the past two months to obtain supplies and equipment needed for dealing with […]

Nitijela backs RASAR plan

Nitijela backs RASAR plan

The Nitijela adopted a resolution in support of the Rongelap Atoll Special Administrative Region (RASAR) late in the evening March 20, the night it wrapped up the first session of 2020. The resolution declares that “Nitijela views with favor the idea of creating a special administrative region on Rongelap Atoll in order to promote investment […]

RMI builds Covid-19 defense

RMI builds Covid-19 defense

HILARY HOSIA For the first time in a long time, spiritual leaders from various faiths in Majuro congregated under one roof at the Marshall Islands Resort last Friday to discuss Covid-19. Culture and Internal Affairs Minister Jemi Nashion and Health and Human Services Minister Bruce Bilimon conducted the high-level dialogue. “We’ve informed our members to […]

Can the RMI stay free of Covid-19?

Can the RMI stay free of Covid-19?

GIFF JOHNSON Top RMI leaders are reportedly considering the possibility of a charter flight to return home Marshallese citizens stranded in Hawaii, Guam and elsewhere by the Covid-19 coronavirus travel ban. This comes as Cabinet is scheduled to meet Thursday this week to consider the recommendations from the National Disaster Committee for either a 14-day […]

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