By Journal on October 28, 2021
Amata Kabua, Brenson Wase, Casten Nemra, Compact of Free Association, David Kabua, Dexter Jikit, Junior Aini, Mike Kabua, Roxanne Cabral, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

The US Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs combined to put on a celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Compact of Free Association last Thursday in Majuro. The gala event featured a color guard by American Legion Post 22, the RMI and US national anthems sung by Jenny Aiseia and Fern Stege, respectively, […]
By Journal on October 14, 2021
Amata Kabua,, David Kabua, Floyd Takeuchi, Giff Johnson, Glen Joseph, Kindle, Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority, Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room, Mike Kabua, MIMRA, NTA, Our Ocean’s Promise, Our Ocean's Promise – From Aspiration to Inspirations: The Marshall Islands Fishing Story, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, Solomon Islands, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority put on a special program last Friday at the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room to launch a new book — the first ever to document the Marshall Islands commercial fishing story.President David Kabua headlined the event, offering praise for MIMRA and the book, “Our Ocean’s Promise — From Aspirations […]
By Journal on September 24, 2021
Amata Kabua, Back in the Day, landowners, Majuro, Stop Lagoon disposal, trash
Back In The Day

Journal 9/26/1980 P1 Dependence or independence? President Amata Kabua in a radio interview September 16 Sid he believes the US wants to keep the Marshalls dependent. “It is now very clear that the US wants to keep us in a state of begging.” Reacting to US blocking of the Japanese satellite communication offer and perhaps […]
By Journal on August 6, 2021
Amata Kabua, John F. Kennedy, Nitijela Session, RMI economy
Back In The Day

Journal 8/10/1984 P10 9 to 5 wins 1984 championship Nine to Five is the 1984 women’s softball champions after eliminating all teams they met in the double elimination tournament. They downed Dri-Malal Saturday by the score of 10-4 to keep their record clean with no losses. P10 Tourney winner Una Watak walked away $45 richer […]
By Journal on April 16, 2021
Ajeltake Elementary School, Amata Kabua, Compact of Free Association, Jaluit High School, MEC, Ronald Reagan, Rongelap
Back In The Day

Journal 4/20/1984P1 Electricity costs reduced The RMI reported impressive savings in fuel costs for its new power generating facility in Majuro. MEC’s British-built power plant is producing electricity at a cost of 5.1 cents per kilowatt hour, a substantial savings compared with the 18-to-20 cents per kilowatt hour cost at the old power plant.P3 Amata […]
By Journal on February 19, 2021
Amata Kabua, Marshall Islands gambling
Back In The Day

Journal 2/17/1984 P1 Compact problems in Congress A Gannett News Service article outlined several areas of possible difficulties expected to be encountered by the Compact of Free Association as it wends its way through the two houses of the US Congress. At a hearing of the Public Lands and National Parks Committee chairman Rep. John […]
By Journal on November 27, 2020
Alvin Jacklick, Amata Kabua, Evelyn Konou, Hemos Jack, Luckner Abner
Back In The Day

Journal 11/25/1983 P1 Majuro: Who won the 5th seat? Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs Tony deBrum and Deputy Secretary Phillip Muller appear to have won themselves two of the seats out of Majuro’s 15 candidates running for five seats in Nitijela as the tabulating committee began counting ballots. President Amata Kabua is the top vote […]
By Journal on November 20, 2020
1995 RMI election, Amata Kabua, Iroij Jurelang Zedkaia, Phillip Muller, Tony deBrum
Back In The Day

Journal 11/18/1983P9 Two new businesses open A duo of businesses opened shop next door to each other in the past couple of weeks. First is Ace International Agencies, o;erased by Harry Doulatram. His downtown office is located just south of the Downtown Restaurant. Next to Harry’s is the newly opened Island Business Services. This computer-based […]
By Journal on September 19, 2020
Amata Kabua, Litokwa Tomeing
Back In The Day

Journal 9/20/1983 P1 Nitijela passes resolution that approves Compact Nitijela September 20 approved by a vote of 21 for and five against Resolution No. 27 to approve entry into the Compact of Free Association. Opposition members objected to the resolution for not waiting for certification of the results of the plebiscite by the Chief Electoral […]
By Journal on August 21, 2020
Alvin Jacklick, Amata Kabua, Archibald Stewart, Ataji Balos, Jerry Kramer, Litokwa Tomeing
Back In The Day

Journal 8/19/1983 P1 Compact is called tyne best last hope The Compact of Free Association is the best last hope for the people of the Marshall Islands to be included in the American political family, President Amata Kabua said in his address to the Marshallese people at Nitijela last Friday. P1 Coalition starts campaigning Kwajalein […]