By Journal on September 16, 2022
1985, Back in the Day, Bill Graham, Going for gold, Honolulu, Majuro, recent top 20, Robert Reimers, Skate-Em-Lã
Back In The Day

Journal 9/20/1985 P13 Going for a gold record Skate-Em-Lã, the band that won Majuro’s recent top 20 competition, has just released a new tape featuring some of their hit songs, and new numbers. Entitled “Mour ilo Aelon Kein,” it was recorded by Bill Graham and remastered at a studio in Honolulu. It is available only […]
By Journal on November 19, 2021
Back in the Day, Bill Graham, Businessmen, Bwera's, Island wide block party, Kirt Pinho, Victor Bwera
Back In The Day

Journal 11/23/1984 P1 Flags at half mast The flags of the Marshall Islands were ordered flown at half-mast this past week to honor the passing of its senior statesman — Dwight Heine. In the period roughly since the end of World War II there is perhaps no peer of his who ranged as far, initiated […]
By Journal on February 22, 2018
Alson Kelen, and Banter Abon, and Tommy Abon, Barbara Rose Johnston, Bill Graham, Bravo hydrogen bomb, C-Rose Abon, Charity Jilej, Christopher Abon, Grace Abon, Hanyuda Yuki, Irene Abon, James Matayoshi, Lemeyo Abon, Mindy Abon, Mita Eknilang, Nitha Milne, nuclear, Shimada Kousei, Wilmina Almen
News Archive

Bravo fallout survivor Lemeyo Abon died this week after collapsing and going into a coma on February 5. One of the few remaining Rongelap people alive who experienced the “snowstorm” of radioactive fallout from the 1954 Bravo test, she was in the Majuro hospital Intensive Care Unit until her death early Monday morning. “Lemeyo was full of […]
By Journal on February 1, 2018
Alson Kelen, Bill Graham, Bruce Kijiner, Dave Moss, Hilda Heine, Jamurlok Kabua, Milton Zackios, Rhea Moss-Christian, Sadako Makato Ysawa Moss, Waan Aelon in Majel
News Archive

An administration of oath ceremony was held January 26 in the Cabinet conference room to formally swear in the three members of the Marshall Islands National Nuclear Commission. As provided in the law passed by the Nitijelã last year establishing the Commission, its primary duty is to develop a detailed strategy and plan of action […]
By Journal on March 9, 2017
Bill Graham, Dr. Neal Palafox, Emlyn Hughes, Enewetak, Enja Enos, Glenn Alcalay, Hilary Hosia, John Silk, Karen Stewart, Kenneth Kedi, Meto Court, nuclear legacy conference, Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day, RMI, Tony ‘Ton-Ton’ deBrum Kattil, Tony deBrum, Trudy Peterson, Ujelang
News Archive

Following the traditional annual program commemorating Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day at the Meto Court area in front of the capitol building Wednesday morning, the RMI’s first ever nuclear legacy conference opened in the afternoon at the International Conference Center. The theme for the conference was “Charting a Journey Toward Justice.” After an invocation by the […]
By Journal on December 18, 2015
177 Section, Bikini, Bill Graham, Bravo, Ellen Milne-Paul, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, REACH-MI, Rosania Bennett
News Archive

A new organization focused on the nuclear weapons testing legacy in the Marshall Islands says its aim is achieving justice for Marshall Islanders. The group, Radiation Exposure Awareness Crusaders for Humanity — Marshall Islands (REACH-MI for short), officially launched itself Tuesday with a program attended by about 40 people held at Sandy’s. REACH-MI Vice President […]