By Journal on August 4, 2022
Aravapo Leo, Barab Edwards, Bianca Bolasina, Brek Batley, Chewy Lin, Debby Schutz, filmmaking, Jack Niedenthal, Jeremiah Knight, Jo-Jikum’s Climate and Health Art Seminar, Jobod Silk, Jollia Peter, Kathy Jetnil Kijiner, Laddik in Alwal, local talent, Lyonel Myazoe, Marshall Islands Resort Melele Room, poetry, rt, songwriting, Susan Jeita, weaving, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL Jo-Jikum’s Climate and Health Art Seminar showcase once again shook us to our core as we witnessed 37 of our youth unleashing their talents through art, weaving, poetry, filmmaking, and songwriting at the Marshall Islands Resort Melele Room last Friday. The results presented during Friday’s showcase developed from the three-week training that provided […]
By Journal on July 28, 2022
Amata Kabua, Chewy Lin, David Kabua, David Paul, Giff Johnson, Imata Kabua, iroojlaplap, Iroojlaplap Michael LaMañiñi Kabua, Jeimata Kabua, Joba Kabua, jobwa, Kailoojoj, Mike Kabua, Ralik Chain
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GIFF JOHNSON Thousands of Marshall Islanders converged on Ebeye Island last week for the first coronation ceremony of a paramount chief in half a century. The gala coronation for Iroojlaplap (paramount chief) Michael LaMañiñi Kabua featured dozens of islanders wearing traditional headdress and finely woven mat clothing unique to the Marshall Islands, spear carrying warriors […]
By Journal on July 15, 2022
103.5FM, Chewy Lin, Daniel Kramer, Delap Park, DJ Yastamon, Jeremiah Knight, Post 22, Six9Too, US Embassy
Feature Articles

The Australian and American embassies hit the equivalent of grand slam homeruns with their public events at Delap Park — the Aussie-inspired super dance contest and concert on June 18, and the US Embassy and the Marshallese veterans association Post 22-combined Bo-July event this past weekend. These were both superlative public events for Majuro and […]
By Journal on June 30, 2022
Australia's PACMAS program, Chewy Lin, cmi, Corinne Podger, Daniel Kramer, Dr. Ann Auman, Floyd Takeuchi, Giff Johnson, JEREMY MYAZOE, LITA FLOOD, Pacific Media Institute-, ROC/Taiwan Embassy, Samuel Barton, Telling your Pacific Story, US Embassy, USP, Wilmer Joel
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A group of 16 — a combination of people working in non-government media and students — participated in a two-week media training in Majuro called “Telling Your Pacific Story.” It featured the involvement of experienced media professionals — Floyd Takeuchi and Dr. Ann Auman — from Hawaii — and Corinne Podger — from Australia who […]
By Journal on June 23, 2022
Australian Embassy, Chewy Lin, Dance Competition, Daniel Kramer, Delap Park, Katrina Murray, Power 103.5FM, sixth anniversary dance, Sunwhite Rice, Team Tapa Nesians
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The Power 103.5FM sixth anniversary Dance Competition at Delap Park did exactly what Daniel Kramer said in his speech over the weekend: Connect the community together. “I’m very happy to see that tonight represents what we created Power 103.5 for,” Kramer said towards the end of the grand show. Kramer said one of the many […]
By Journal on June 10, 2022
Abigail Zedkaia, Chewy Lin, College of the Marshall Islands, College of the Marshall Islands nursing students, Delap Seventh Day Adventist, Hirata Kabua, Irene Taafaki, Kitlang kabua, Kwajalein Atoll High School, Laninaur Kabua, Laura High School, Marshall Islands High School, Mike Kabua, NTA, Romeo Alfred, Wilmer Bolkeim
Feature Articles

Graduation dominoes keep falling: The end of May it was Majuro Coop School,Assumption and SDA on consecutive days. Then a brief lull before the public schools launched, with Kwajalein Atoll High School Monday, Marshall Islands High School Tuesday and Laura High School Wednesday this week.These events “sandwiched” another set of graduations at Kwajalein Atoll. The […]
By Journal on June 3, 2022
Bharati Datwani, Chewy Lin, Coop's 11th graduation ceremony, Isabella Narruhn, Jerry Kramer, Majuro Cooperative High School, Michael Josephson, PII, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles

WILMER JOEL Twenty-one Majuro Cooperative High School graduates received their diplomas and distinguished awards May 28 during the school’s 11th Graduation Ceremony. The theme for the graduation was Michael Josephson’s “Take Pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” As often on […]
By Journal on May 27, 2022
Absalom ‘Barab’ Edwards, Barab Edwards, Canvasback Wellness Center, Chewy Lin, CMI Marine Science Program, Cooking competition, Glen Joseph, KAHS, Karen Earnshaw, Korale Jerky, Lone deBrum, Mack Alfred, MIFV, MIHS, MIMRA-Outer Islands Fish Market Center, MISCO market, Monyca Sudnovsky, Neilan Albert, Roles Alfonso, Rudol Muller, Wanok Jorju, World Tuna Day
Feature Articles

KAREN EARNSHAW The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority hosted a World Tuna Day 2022 celebration in the HQ parking lot on May 14, the second year it has celebrated the big day at its new facilities. The biggest feature of the afternoon was the slicing and dicing of, what else?, tuna, with the competition divisions […]
By Journal on April 21, 2022
150 birds, Boken, Boketoona, Chewy Lin, Eroj Island, Iva Reimers-Roberto, Micronesian Imperial Pigeon, Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce, rat eradication, SPREP
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Eroj Island on the north side of Majuro is the focus of a rat eradication initiative by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce. An NRC team descended on the small island earlier this month to launch a battle against invasive rats on the uninhabited island. The work to eradicate rats on Eroj will help […]
By Journal on March 31, 2022
Ainikien Kora Forum, Australian Aid, Chewy Lin, ICC, IOM, Jeledrik Binejal, Jeremiah Knight, Kitene Alberttar, Kitlang kabua, Mejerik Club, Rebecca Lorennij, SPC, US Embassy, WUTMI
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A National Women’s Forum started this week Wednesday at the International Conference Center in Majuro. A large turnout of well over 100 people came together for the Ainikien Kora Forum (literally, the Voice of Women Forum). The major focus of the event is to “raise awareness across all key stakeholders and national decision makers about […]