By Journal on January 25, 2024
Amata Radewagen, Carl Ingram, Carmen Cantor, Chantale Yokmin Wong, Erika Moritsugu, Henry Hand, Hilda Heine, Joe Biden, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Surangel Whipps Jr., Tommy Kijiner Jr., Wesley Simina, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL President Hilda Heine and her cabinet were formally inaugurated on Monday January 22 inside the Nitijela Chamber. Top dignitaries from the Pacific, Asia, and North America attended the inauguration. In her first second-term address to the nation as president, Heine outlined the goals of her administration in steering the country towards prosperity and […]
By Journal on January 18, 2024
Aitab Leviticus, Arbella John, David Anitok, David Paul, Henry Hand, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Jeledrik Binejal, Jess Gasper Jr, Kalani Kaneko, Kili, Kili island, Lincoln Simeon, Majuro Water and Sewer Company, Marshalls Energy Company, MV Kwajalein, Simon Jamore, Taiwan Embassy, Tommy Jibok
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HILARY HOSIA Action speaks louder than words. This seems to be the marching order for President Hilda Heine and her Cabinet following a one-day visit to Kili Island last Friday. That day before, Thursday, the Heine administration declared a state of emergency to address the immediate needs of the Kili community, which has been experiencing […]
By Journal on August 3, 2023
Alele Museum, Amy Ishiguro, Asena Ketedromo, Asia Foundation, Carmen G. Cantor, College of the Marshall Islands, Deb Haaland, Henry Hand, James Ley, Jasmine Henry, Lance Posey, Lola Shutz, Majuro Cooperative School, Peter Fennell, Runit Dome, Verenaisi Bavadra
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The United States government, in partnership with the Asia Foundation, delivered books to four local organizations late last month. The books are from the Asia Foundation as part of the Foundation’s contribution to the USAID-supported Pacific Regional Initiative. The Pacific Regional Initiative strives to counter trafficking in persons by focusing on prevention, protection, prosecution, and […]
By Journal on July 20, 2023
Beverly Brul, Building Economic Inclusion, Carnie Reimers, ELEFA, Grameen Foundation, Hank Liu, Henry Hand, ICDF Taiwan
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The United States government, through Grameen Foundation USA, and the Taiwan’s International Cooperation and Development Fund, jointly funded the Building Economic Inclusion via the Blue Economy Innovation Fund and a Gender and Power Dynamics workshop. The event focused on the power of the blue and green economies to deepen the market participation of women entrepreneurs […]
By Journal on June 22, 2023
Chewy Lin, College of the Marshall Islands, Derek Taylor, Giff Johnson, Henry Hand, Irene Taafaki, Pacific Media Institute, Steve Hsia, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOELA five-day workshop organized by the Pacific Media Institute on democracy, elections and media started last Friday with an opening ceremony attended by diplomats and more than 40 journalists and public information officers from across the Pacific at the College of the Marshall Islands. Editor of the Marshall Islands and PMI co-founder Giff Johnson […]