Compact of Free Association

Kwaj leaders join key talks

Kwaj leaders join key talks

Journal 2/26/1982 P1 Kwaj leaders join Compact talksKwajalein leaders Ataji Balos and Imada Kabua are pleased that they have been participating on Compact of Free Association talks related to Kwaj but they report no large breakthroughs in the negotiations. Balos, chairman of the board of directors of the Kwajalein Atoll Corporation, which represents the landowners, […]

RMI census is a shocker

RMI census is a shocker

Journal 12/18/1987 P1 Rongelap homecomingIt was a special kind of homecoming for seven Rongelap men who had not set foot on their home island since 1985, when they moved to Mejatto Island in Kwajalein Atoll. The visit was part of the beginning of an effort to evaluate the radiation levels on Rongelap Island and begin […]

Loss of hope for islands

Loss of hope for islands

Journal 10/30/1987 P1 Back to TT ‘pork barrel’ daysIs there something that legislators, magistrates and other elected officials in Micronesia see that the rest of us are missing? This may explain why many of those charged with overseeing development funds under the Compact are busily appropriating this money for seawalls, community houses, docks and other […]

Marshallese sue Hawaii

Marshallese sue Hawaii

Journal 8/21/1987 P1 RepMar angling for lucrative ship registryA bill to establish the first foreign ship registry in Micronesia moved toward approval in the Nitijela this week, following Cabinet endorsement and a public hearing Friday. The possibility of this venture producing millions of dollars in revenue for the Marshall Islands was explained by businessman Howard […]

DOD pushes Congress on Compact

DOD pushes Congress on Compact

Everyone, it seems, wants the US Congress to pass the Compact of Free Association legislation for the RMI, Federated States of Micronesia and Palau — even most members of the Congress itself. But that hasn’t helped get the stalled legislation onto the Congress’ legislative calendar in a form that will make it passable. Over five […]

Amata goes to bat for RMI

Amata goes to bat for RMI

GIFF JOHNSONThe absurdity of the US State Department’s position that new money under the Compact, purportedly for the Marshall Islands nuclear legacy, cannot actually be used for any purpose related to the nuclear legacy, was pointed out in a letter by American Samoa Congresswoman Amata Radewagen to the chairmen of the two committees in the […]

US forces 177 for deal

US forces 177 for deal

Journal 5/1/1987 P1 Forced to sign 177 Marshall Islands negotiators told the United States that nuclear claims should be settled with individual Marshallese claimants but the US refused, using economic leverage and incentives in the Compact to get the Marshall Islands government to approve the Compact nuclear claims settlement with espousal, said Minister of Health […]

Jeton angers US officials

Jeton angers US officials

Journal 11/15/1985 P1 American UN official enraged by Rongelap Senator’s actions Rongelap Senator Jeton Anjain delivered stinging criticism of the US nuclear testing program and its follow up medical aid to fallout victims in a speech to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly in New York October 30. He accused the US […]

US-RMI: 36 years young

US-RMI: 36 years young

WILMER JOEL The US Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs put together an event commemorating the 36th anniversary of the Compact of Free Association last Friday at ICC. “Let us work together to find the solutions to the challenges that affect us all,” said Ambassador Roxanne Cabral. “Because of our shared history and our […]

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