By Journal on September 26, 2024
Asian Development Bank, David Paul, Hideaki Iwasaki, Hilda Heine, Justine Diokno-Sicat, Majuro Atoll Waste Company, Majuro Water and Sewer Company, Samelda Leon, Thomas Heine
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The Asian Development Bank and the RMI government signed off last week on the bank’s largest-ever grant to the Marshall Islands. The $52.5 million grant will be focused on fresh water, sanitation and solid waste management improvements on both Majuro and Ebeye. The largest portion of the grant will be directed toward Majuro Water and […]
By Journal on August 8, 2024
Brenson Wase, David Paul, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Kalani Kaneko, Marshalls Energy Company, MV Ailinglaplap, SV Juren Ae
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HILARY HOSIA The long-awaited “Enra Bwe Jen Lale Rara” universal payment update was shared by President Hilda Heine during the opening of Nitijela Monday. The universal compensation scheme would provide money to Marshallese individuals as announced by President Hilda and her Cabinet early this year. The “Enra” plan, which is know internationally as a universal […]
By Journal on February 22, 2024
Ambassador Steve Hsia, Arno and Ailinglaplap, Bruce Loeak, David Paul, Donated forty thousand, Gerald Zackios, Isaac Zackhras, RMI government, Taiwan
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Taiwan Ambassador Steve CC Hsia donated $40,000 to the government of the Marshall Islands last week for aid to Arno and Ailinglaplap atolls that were hit by strong waves last month. Hsia said the contribution is to be divided equally between the two atolls to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to the two atolls affected by […]
By Journal on January 25, 2024
Ailinglaplap Atoll, David Paul, Deltares, flooding, Giff Johnson, Marshall Islands National Weather Service, Mike Brantley, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Roi-Namur, supercharged waves, University of Hawaii, US Army, US Geological Survey
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GIFF JOHNSON Offshore storm surges supercharged waves Saturday night, causing flooding and some damage at Roi-Namur Island in Kwajalein Atoll, resulting in evacuation of 80 people from the island. Flooding caused by the waves also hit an airport at Ailinglaplap Atoll, leaving rocks, coral and debris in their wake that will keep the runway closed […]
By Journal on January 25, 2024
David Paul, El Nino, Hilda C. Heine, Majuro Water and Sewer Company, Marshalls Energy Company, Power emergency, RMI National Disaster Management Organization
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The new administration of President Hilda Heine announced two weeks ago that it was intending to declare a state of emergency for the power situation in Majuro. This week, several days after President Heine highlighted the power problem in her inauguration speech at Nitijela Monday, the government moved ahead with this plan. “We are now […]
By Journal on January 18, 2024
Aitab Leviticus, Arbella John, David Anitok, David Paul, Henry Hand, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Jeledrik Binejal, Jess Gasper Jr, Kalani Kaneko, Kili, Kili island, Lincoln Simeon, Majuro Water and Sewer Company, Marshalls Energy Company, MV Kwajalein, Simon Jamore, Taiwan Embassy, Tommy Jibok
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HILARY HOSIA Action speaks louder than words. This seems to be the marching order for President Hilda Heine and her Cabinet following a one-day visit to Kili Island last Friday. That day before, Thursday, the Heine administration declared a state of emergency to address the immediate needs of the Kili community, which has been experiencing […]
By Journal on January 11, 2024
Bremity Lakjohn, David Paul, Hilda Heine, Hilton Tonton Kendall, Jess Gasper Jr, Joe Bejang, Kalani Kaneko, Ota Kisino, Thomas Heine, Tony Muller, Wilmer Joel, Wisely Zackhras
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The new Cabinet lineup was confirmed Monday. It features a mix of Nitijela Members, and demonstrates how President Hilda Heine and her core supporters reached out to newly elected Members as well as those from islands that would normally be considered aligned with the Kabua traditional leadership in order to form the new government. Members […]
By Journal on January 11, 2024
David Paul, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Jess Gasper Jr, Kili-Bikini-Ejit, RMI State of Emergency
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GIFF JOHNSON The first order of business for President Hilda Heine’s new government is expected to be declaring not one, but two states of emergency: One for Kili Island, where “people are starving,” according to one Cabinet minister; the other order to put focus on Majuro’s power crisis. These moves were in the discussion stage […]
By Journal on November 23, 2023
Alington Robert, Anderson Jibas, Atbi Riklon, Bori Ysawa, Bremity Lakjohn, Brenson Wase, Casten Nemra, Daisy Alik-Momotaro, David Anitok, David Kramer, David Paul, Gerald Zackios, Giff Johnson, Hilda Heine, Hiroshi Yamamura, Jemi Nashion, Jess Gasper Jr., John Silk, Justin Lani, Kalani Kaneko, Kessai Note, Kili Kabua, Kitlang kabua, Ladie Jack, Lanny Kabua, Margaret Alee Bigler, Marie Davis-Milne, Mike Halferty, Peterson JIbas, Riem Simon, Robin Kios, Rosetina Morris, Sonny Milne, Stephen Phillip, Stevenson Kotton, Tommy Jibok, Tony Muller, Waylon Muller, Whitey Loeak, Yolanda Lodge-Ned
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GIFF JOHNSON In the still preliminary and unofficial vote tabulation, Majuro Mayor Ladie Jack was outpolling main challenger Margaret Alee Bigler by more than two-to-one and three of the four incumbent Majuro Nitijela members were showing the highest numbers. Incumbent Stephen Phillip and candidates David Kramer and Yolanda Lodge-Ned were locked in a battle for […]
By Journal on November 9, 2023
$26 million grant, David Paul, ECC national gymnasium, Giff Johnson, Jr, Kemot Bam, Marshall Islands National Telecommunications Authority., Micronesian games, National Olympic Committee, Rebecca Jello, soft opening, Tommy Kijiner, Tony Muller, US Rural Utility Service, World Bank
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GIFF JOHNSON We don’t use the word “resurrection” lightly. But in the non-religious sphere of the Marshall Islands, we believe it is fitting to use that term for two events that took place largely out of the view of most local residents in Majuro. Twelve-and-a-half-years after the roof collapse halted use of the ECC national […]