
Ka’u schools engage Marshallese

Ka’u schools engage Marshallese

GIFF JOHNSON The Marshallese presence in the two Ka’u area schools on the Big Island of Hawaii has risen to 20 percent, largely on the growth of the Enewetak community that lives in Ocean View on the south side of Hawaii Island. But as the Marshallese student population grew in the two Ka’u schools — […]

Cleaning up Enewetak $

Cleaning up Enewetak $

Journal 4/17/1987 P3 Best in the westMajuro’s weather station men are the best in the west. The Pacific region director for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard Hagemeyer presented them with the “Surface Observatory of the Year” award at a ceremony last week at the Chief Secretary’s office. Hagemeyer presented a plaque to weather […]

Tribunal asks for help

Tribunal asks for help

Journal 7/18/1986P3 Peace Corps promoting healthy islands The 20th anniversary of the Peace Corps in Micronesia is rolling around, and with it are coming some big changes in the program in the Marshalls. Since the day a new group of nine Peace Corps Volunteers stepped off an Air Mike flight last week, they have been […]

Ignored and largely forgotten

Ignored and largely forgotten

GIFF JOHNSON About 8,000 Americans participated in the cleanup of Enewetak Atoll. An additional untold number of Marshallese and people of other nationalities were also involved in the cleanup that ran from January 1, 1977 to April 15, 1980 — after which, the people of Enewetak were allowed to return home to live on the […]

Yun’s first visit to Majuro

Yun’s first visit to Majuro

On arrival at Nitijela Thursday for a courtesy call with Speaker Kenneth Kedi soon after arriving in a US government jet, US Special Envoy for Compact negotiations Joseph Yun and his team were greeted Marshallese style with singing and leis in the Nitijela lobby, an island welcome for the visitors who were plied with handicrafts […]

Yun: Testing was a ‘tragedy’

Yun: Testing was a ‘tragedy’

WILMER JOEL US Special Presidential Envoy Joseph Yun and his delegation set foot on the Runit Dome in Enewetak for the first time last Friday. Minister Kitlang Kabua and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade hosted this visit. “We live in fear, fear of the bombs, guns, and nuclear,” were the words in a […]

Enewetak community looks ahead

Enewetak community looks ahead

The Enewetak community on the Big Island of Hawaii came together March 10 for a celebration and reflection on the challenges of building lives in exile from their home atoll, a former nuclear weapons test site. “People from Enewetak understand that it is not safe to return to a contaminated and radioactive home,” said event […]

Population reaches zero

Population reaches zero

Journal 1/8/1973 P4 Does Majuro need a full-time mayor? The Majuro Chamber of Commerce passed a resolution during its regular meeting December 29 asking the District Administrator to create a full-time position of magistrate for the Darrit-Uliga-Delap Municipality. The present position of magistrate is held by Birash Joash, a middle-aged soft-spoken Marshallese who works full-time […]

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