Eve Burns

Dengue continues to spread

Dengue continues to spread

Despite the ban on travel to outer islands being ended, the dengue problem continues to hit Majuro hard. The number of cases are piling up, with over 20 new suspected and confirmed cases seen at Majuro hospital on several days over the past week. The RMI is nearing 2,000 dengue cases. Ebeye has not reported […]

David Kabua takes the helm

David Kabua takes the helm

GIFF JOHNSON New RMI President David Kabua was elected Monday by a comfortable Nitijela majority, 20-12.The Nitijela chamber was jam-packed with a standing room-only crowd for the election as the drama of the post-November 18 election came to a conclusion with Monday’s vote. The voting itself lacked the drama of the 2016 Nitijela election that […]

Residents line up for shots

Residents line up for shots

EVE BURNS MALGov and Ministry of Health joined forces last Saturday and opened two stations to give vaccines to people of Laura and Woja villages. Both stations generated a good turnout of residents, as hundreds of people showed up to get immunization for the flu and measles. Jeirok Councilman Jina David and the nurses worked […]

Ebeye: 4 new generators

Ebeye: 4 new generators

GIFF JOHNSON Three rental generators have stabilized Ebeye Island’s power situation as the island waits for four new generators to be installed over the next several months. Two new generators arrived last month and their installation is waiting on the arrival of two new alternators. In the meantime, two additional complete generator sets — including […]

Hilda’s team takes a hit

Hilda’s team takes a hit

GIFF JOHNSON With all Majuro wards tabulated, unofficial results show two incumbent Nitijela senators will lose their re-election bid, while a third is hanging onto fifth place by fewer than 30 votes — with absentee votes still to be included. At Kwajalein, a strong showing by newcomer Kitlang Kabua bumped seven-term incumbent Alvin Jacklick into […]

Laura residents get ‘gravity lights’

Laura residents get ‘gravity lights’

EVE BURNS  Commonly known as a go-getter councilman, Jina David joined with Laura High School seniors to distribute gravity light devices throughout Jeirok and Arrak villages last week. The project, “Gravity Lights,” is sponsored by the Majuro Atoll Local Government, the Jo-Jikum youth organization, the National Energy Office, and led by David.  People were happy […]