Eve Burns

Jewelry workshop a hit

Jewelry workshop a hit

EVE BURNS A group of 14 women spent five weeks learning jewelry making, embroidery and general entrepreneurship skills and received their certificates last Friday at the College of the Marshall Islands. The training was a partnership between CMI and the Youth Corps program and was funded and implemented by the Marshall Islands Youth Corps, under […]

Saving lives in Majuro

Saving lives in Majuro

EVE BURNS Many lives at Majuro hospital will be saved as a result of people’s action last Friday showing up to an event outside the Wellness Center. This is not newspaper hyperbole and one of the hospital’s nurses explained why it is true. Nurse Gina Anuntak told the dozens of people gathered for Blood Donor […]

Child vaccine rollout in July

Child vaccine rollout in July

KAREN EARNSHAW The Ministry of Health and Human Services will begin providing the Covid-19 vaccine for children aged six months to five years on Friday July 15, according to RMI Director of Public Health Dr. Frank Underwood. This follows approval of the vaccines for young children by the US Food and Drug Administration late last […]

New Cabinet members sworn in

New Cabinet members sworn in

Three of the four newly appointed Cabinet ministers were sworn in during a ceremony at the ICC Tuesday morning. Chief Justice of the High Court Carl Ingram with Clerk of Courts Ingrid Kabua officiated at the swearing in. This followed a blessing and then brief remarks from President David Kabua. The President described the Cabinet […]

RMI soon to see formula shortage

RMI soon to see formula shortage

EVE BURNS The Marshall Islands is slowly feeling the ongoing shortage of baby formula in the United States. Retail stores and consumers in the US have been hit by the shortage. The ongoing baby formula shortage, caused by a combination of recalls and supply chain issues, has intensified in recent weeks, reported the Deseret News […]

Preserving history, earning money

Preserving history, earning money

EVE BURNS Expert weaver Susan Jieta, 52, was interested in weaving from an early age. “I started learning how weave when I was in seventh grade,” she said. “My mom weaved and each time she left her weaving I’d run and practice.” Susan is from Mejit Island. “Marshallese handicrafts were always something I liked to […]

US supports Majuro blood drive

US supports Majuro blood drive

Red Cross held a three-day blood drive at College of the Marshall Islands old library last week. Funding for the activity was provided by USAID Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs. US Ambassador Roxanne Cabral both assisted with the financial contribution and donated blood along with other representatives from the US Embassy. As a result of the […]

Climate info delivered informally

Climate info delivered informally

EVE BURNS Jo-Jikum in partnership with the RMI Climate Change Directorate hosted its first climate webinar series earlier this month — the first in a series of weekly events that take place every Friday for one hour at Marshall Islands Resort at the Jemanin room. This webinar is funded by a grant from Unitarian Universalist […]

Rising from the ashes

Rising from the ashes

EVE BURNS Waan Aelon in Majel (WAM) suffered a devastating fire recently that destroyed its office and workshops. In an outpouring of solidarity with WAM, local and international donors from every direction have put up their hands to help with the reconstruction. Monday this week, Australia joined other donors to support WAM rebuilding efforts through […]