
Jaki-ed a hit in Majuro

Jaki-ed a hit in Majuro

Marshallese weavers of jaki-ed (clothing mats) will be showing their fine art around the world next year, with a demonstration being held at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC and a display of the mats at Australia’s Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbane. These exciting events were announced by long-time friend of the Marshall Islands, MaryLou […]

Jabor: Seedbed of ‘sin’

Jabor: Seedbed of ‘sin’

Journal 10/15/1973 P4 Expert watchmakers in Marshalls Two local men, one from the Marshalls and one from Kusaie, have just returned to the Trust Territory after completing a year and a half training course at the Bulova School of Watchmaking in New York. The two men, Anju Jejjon of Majuro and Aisur Tholl, are classified […]

Locals fix their own runway

Locals fix their own runway

Journal 7/25/1975 P1 Palauan ultimatum? Loved it in Marshalls The Micronesian Constitutional Convention was confronted Friday with a tough, take-it or leave-it position from the Palau delegation. The Palau delegation will support the unity of Micronesia “if, and only if” all of their terms are included in the draft Micronesian constitution., said delegate Johnson Toribiong. […]

Jaluit graduation a great success

Jaluit graduation a great success

Jaluit High School and the local government on Jabwor should be credited for executing a perfect graduation ceremony Tuesday. Minister of Education Wilbur Heine led a delegation of VIPs from Majuro for the event, among them were US Ambassador Karen Stewart, Japan’s Charge’d Affaires Hiroshi Watanabe and keynote speaker JHS Alumni Kinso Nimoto. Sixty-two students […]

Japan funds Jaluit school

Japan funds Jaluit school

A new Japan-funded classroom building on Mejrirok Island, Jaluit Atoll was the focus of a handover ceremony earlier this month. Japan Ambassador Hideyuki Mitsuoka joined with national and local government officials at the event to officially handover the school. The project was funded through the Japan’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP). The […]