Kino Kabua

Schools debate nuclear test legacy

Schools debate nuclear test legacy

The battle of exchanging words and ideas was on display last week at the University of the South Pacific as high schools across the country vied for the Education Week/Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day debate championship. The debate competition sprung into action starting from the preliminary rounds in the morning February 27. The topic for the […]

Irooj meeting a highlight

Irooj meeting a highlight

HILARY HOSIA The inclusion of traditional games and sports may be underway in the near future thanks to developments from the National Socio-Economic and Climate Summit last week. Participants of the weeklong forum appealed to traditional leaders during the Q&A session with members of the Council of Irooj. A participant from Wotho Atoll, requested on […]

EU backs water work

EU backs water work

The Marshall Islands has six million reasons to celebrate and here’s why: The Addressing Climate Vulnerability in the Water Sector project or ACWA for short, is slatted to receive six million Euros ($6.5 million) to complement its ongoing water security project throughout the RMI. This development was confirmed during the pre-agreement ceremony between visiting EU […]

Jiba’s legacy for Arno

Jiba’s legacy for Arno

EVE BURNS Christmas came early for Arno last weekend. Last Saturday the newest non-government organization called Jibandrik donated four playground sets with the support of Australia’s Direct Aid Program for the NGO’s project “Expanding Childhood Learning Through Active Play.” Jibandrik started out last year by joining in Arno’s Christmas parade. It followed up that event […]

Modeling Laura flood affects

Modeling Laura flood affects

Projected coastal flooding can be recognized in a three-dimensional model of the Laura area that was officially handed over to the RMI government in late October, according to a release from the Pacific Community’s Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division. The model shows the terrain on land as well as underwater and also shows the shape of […]

Covid is knocking on the RMI’s door

Covid is knocking on the RMI’s door

GIFF JOHNSON With the border opening looming, there is more talk in the community about the arrival of Covid in RMI. There are more questions than answers: Are we ready, will there be lockdowns, will schools be closed? Neighboring FSM opened its borders officially Monday this week — but Covid slipped into Pohnpei and Kosrae […]

United flights to Majuro halted

United flights to Majuro halted

GIFF JOHNSON A once in one thousand year natural disaster in Tonga last weekend broke its submarine fiber cable in two places, severing Tonga’s communication links to the outside world. Majuro, this week, also experienced a severing of links to the outside world in a different way. A man-made disaster in the form of lack […]

Fireworks at Kwaj, Covid in Palau

Fireworks at Kwaj, Covid in Palau

GIFF JOHNSON New Year’s fireworks will happen this weekend at the US Army base at Kwajalein after the RMI’s National Disaster Committee waived quarantine requirements for a technical team that arrived Tuesday this week to set up and operate the display. The Army asked for and was granted an exemption from the one-week Hawaii quarantine […]

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