Marshall Islands High School

Public schools slow to start

Public schools slow to start

Despite Health authorities giving schools the “all-clear” to resume classes September 18, the Public School System had not as of Wednesday this week confirmed a date for its schools to open their doors for the current school year. Marshall Islands High School issued a notice this week that it will begin a phased return to […]

Schools do packets, in-person

Schools do packets, in-person

WILMER JOEL Upward Bound Program is sticking to its traditional school calendar and is scheduled to start classes next week. This program is a college preparatory program that provides eligible high schoolers rigorous academic support and guidance toward post-secondary education. However, there will be changes in how students will enter the campus at the College […]

Taiwan initiative engages youth

Taiwan initiative engages youth

How do get students with nothing to do stay busy during summer? Simple. Send them to a summer community activity. Taiwan’s Technical Mission teamed up with Taiwan Health Center and the Public School System to deliver a joint horticulture-nutrition-health activity at Marshall Islands High School July 28. A total of 51 students from elementary and […]

Graduation highlights around RMI

Graduation highlights around RMI

Graduation dominoes keep falling: The end of May it was Majuro Coop School,Assumption and SDA on consecutive days. Then a brief lull before the public schools launched, with Kwajalein Atoll High School Monday, Marshall Islands High School Tuesday and Laura High School Wednesday this week.These events “sandwiched” another set of graduations at Kwajalein Atoll. The […]

MIHS gym opening celebrated

MIHS gym opening celebrated

WILMER JOEL After more than two years of closure and no sign of redemption, Marshall Islands High School’s (MIHS) newly renovated gymnasium was finally re-opened during a blessing ceremony late last month at the school compound. The school gymnasium has been a landmark for memorable basketball games, iconic teams, and numerous graduations since MIHS’ founding […]

Climate battles in Majuro

Climate battles in Majuro

WILMER JOEL The two colleges in the country, College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) and the University of the South Pacific (USP), ignited a heated debate last week that was filled with facts and fiery exchanges. As a part of the Climate Change Week activities last Thursday at the Public School System the debate focused […]

Students call for climate issue classes

Students call for climate issue classes

WILMER JOEL The second annual Climate Change Week kicked off its opening ceremony and Career Day at the Public School System Conference Monday amidst spring break for the schools.“The purpose of this one-week event is to teach the youth that Climate Change is not just about sea level rise,” said National Energy Office Ben Wakefield. […]

MIHS gets WASC approval

MIHS gets WASC approval

Following on the heels of US Western Association of Schools and Colleges first award of accreditation to Northern Islands High School on Wotje, WASC has given its stamp of approval to Marshall Islands, extending its accreditation for a new six-year term.Six years is the longest period of accreditation possible to achieve. “It is the decision […]

US Congress backs FAS

US Congress backs FAS

Four US Senators called on the Senate’s Appropriations Committee chairman to include over $23 million in the upcoming fiscal year budget for the RMI’s and FSM’s Supplemental Education Grants (SEG). The appeal was made earlier this month to Appropriations Chairman Senator Patrick Leahy by Hawaii Senators Brian Schatz and Mazie Hirono, and Senators Christopher Coons […]