By Journal on December 3, 2020
Hiroko Obeketang, Majuro Cooperative High School, Marshall Islands High School, Wilmer Joel
News Archive
GIFF JOHNSONLarge crowds, energetic and loud fans, and hard-fought competition last week was the order of the day at the two high school basketball league championship games.Despite repeated rain delays, the players put on a show — and their fans loved it, shouting, beeping vehicle horns, and banging tins (no sports contest in RMI is […]
By Journal on May 7, 2020
Assumption School, Barbara Ned, Carnie Reimers, Eve Burns, Holly James, Jenki Tibon, Kevin Drew, Kitlan Kabua, Laura High School, Majuro Cooperative School, Marshall Islands High School, MBCA, SDA High School, Victoria Capelle, Wilmer Joel
News Archive
EVE BURNS Graduations in the Marshall Islands have been an on and off situation: Some happened, most are not. The Public School System issued a memo last week Tuesday advising that the National Board of Education had decided all graduations should be cancelled. Most public schools have been planning for some weeks to have alternative […]
By Journal on December 12, 2019
Carmen Kobaia, Lewis McChord, Marshall Islands High School, Selbina Kobaia, Staff Sergeant David, Washington
News Archive
HILARY HOSIA Guess who made sergeant in the United States Army? Majuro native Carmen Kobaia. Carmen has been serving as a Transportation Coordinator (88N) for three years and four months and is currently stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington. Carmen initially served overseas in South Korea before transferring to the JBLM. The 21-year old […]
By Journal on February 1, 2019
Marshall Islands High School, MIHS, Sr. Dorothy Mook, teen pregnancy
Back In The Day
Journal 2/1/1982 P1 Burnett confirmed, Nitijela in recess awaiting budget Nitijela January 29 unanimously approved the nomination of Harold W. Burnett to be the first Chief Justice of the Marshall Islands Supreme Court. The parliament then recessed subject to the call of the Speaker to await the FY1983 budget which the Cabinet will submit when […]
By Journal on November 30, 2017
Marshall Islands High School
Feature Articles
Marshall Islands High School was able to pull in a large junior crowd for its concert last Friday at Robert Reimers Enterprises compound. The annual event was to run for two days and had the support of school staff, Parent-Teacher-Association and students. Students involved in performances stuck around to join teachers and staff for a […]
By Journal on June 9, 2017
Aneta Amsa, Earlie Watley, Evelyn Konou, Marshall Islands High School, MIHS, Peace Corps, Wilbur Heine
Feature Articles
Marshall Islands High School (MIHS) and Ministry of Education’s Public School System honored Earlie Watley for 51 years of service last Friday during the MIHS graduation. PSS Commissioner Evelyn Konou stated during the ceremony that Watley taught over 12,000 students in his career. Watley is going into retirement. A record 207 MIHS seniors graduated at […]
By Journal on May 18, 2017
Hilary Hosia, Kanchi Hosia, Marshall Islands High School, MIHS, prom, Rubitha Alik
News Archive
HILARY HOSIA Hundreds of teenagers attending Saturday’s Marshall Islands High School prom were without official chaperones as they partied into the night. Many parents said the complete lack of MIHS staff made the event “illegal” and “not safe.” The Public School System’s Assistant Commissioner Kanchi Hosia said, “it is my understanding that at least some […]
By Journal on June 10, 2016
Anderson Takiah, Anella Billy, Bernice Joash, Carlden Jormeah, Clement Capelle, Emeram Adiniwin, Freddy Capelle, Helen Heltera, Henry Patrick, Jackeo Relang, Juan Lokot, Juliet Jelke, Kanchi Hosia, Kathleen Paul, Kira Jelly, Lydia Riklon, Marilyn Jacklick, Marshall Islands High School, Meria Lemari, MIHS, Piera Subillie, Queenie deBrum, Tom Thomas, William Nelson, Zion Thomas
Back In The Day
Journal 6/10/1974 P1 Convention delegate election ho hum Election Day June 4 for the upcoming Constittuion Convention of all six districts of Micronesia. In most districts it was an election day like any other, with a fair representation of voters taking place. In the Marshalls, however, where the question of voting or not voting was […]