By Journal on January 31, 2025
Billy Roberts, Majuro generators, Marshalls Energy Company, PM&O Lines
Back In The Day

Journal 1/22/1982 P1 Chutaro wins MiliChuji Chutaro won a narrow and still unofficial victory over Alee Alik in last week’s court-ordered election for Mili’s Nitijela seat and said that when he is certified the winner he will try to bring Mili people together to work for the good of the atoll. Chutaro, who lost by […]
By Journal on January 9, 2025
Air Marshall Islands, Amata Kabua International Airport, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Majuro Baptist Christian Academy, Marshalls Energy Company, RMI state of nation address, Starlink, United Church of Christ Choir, US Coast Guard
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA As Parliament resumed on Monday this week, President Hilda Heine began her state of the nation address with a moment of silence to honor the four people missing at sea following a tragic boat incident that took place between Majuro and Arno last Monday. The four victims, two males and two females, have […]
By Journal on December 12, 2024
Marshalls Energy Company, US Army Corps of Engineers, US-RMI Joint Economic Management and Financial Accountability Committee
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The Marshall Islands government is injecting $10 million to the Marshalls Energy Company this fiscal year, with a planned additional $7 million next fiscal year. The purpose of the funding is to support MEC’s need to purchase new engines for the power plant, according to Finance Minister David Paul. “These are necessary investments for MEC […]
By Journal on November 21, 2024
Marshalls Energy Company, World Bank
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The World Bank will pump $60 million into the Marshalls Energy Company for a mix of alternative energy systems for Majuro, Ebeye and six outer islands where MEC supports power operations. There is no funding in the new grant for new diesel-powered generators. The goal appears to be to provide MEC with solar power capacity […]
By Journal on August 8, 2024
Brenson Wase, David Paul, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Kalani Kaneko, Marshalls Energy Company, MV Ailinglaplap, SV Juren Ae
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HILARY HOSIA The long-awaited “Enra Bwe Jen Lale Rara” universal payment update was shared by President Hilda Heine during the opening of Nitijela Monday. The universal compensation scheme would provide money to Marshallese individuals as announced by President Hilda and her Cabinet early this year. The “Enra” plan, which is know internationally as a universal […]
By Journal on March 28, 2024
CCB Envico, Jack Chong Gum, Jeremy Farrington, Joemar Development, Majuro Fuel Tank Refurbishment project, Marshalls Energy Company, Pacific Energy Projects Limited, Steve Wakefield, Turquoise Projects
News Archive

The Majuro Fuel Tank Refurbishment project, funded in part by both Marshalls Energy Company and the Asian Development Bank, is well underway. For many Majuro residents, the glimpses they can see driving by the MEC power plant and tank farm include a 180-foot tall boom crawler crane and scaffolding surrounding three tanks currently being worked […]
By Journal on January 25, 2024
David Paul, El Nino, Hilda C. Heine, Majuro Water and Sewer Company, Marshalls Energy Company, Power emergency, RMI National Disaster Management Organization
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The new administration of President Hilda Heine announced two weeks ago that it was intending to declare a state of emergency for the power situation in Majuro. This week, several days after President Heine highlighted the power problem in her inauguration speech at Nitijela Monday, the government moved ahead with this plan. “We are now […]
By Journal on January 18, 2024
Aitab Leviticus, Arbella John, David Anitok, David Paul, Henry Hand, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Jeledrik Binejal, Jess Gasper Jr, Kalani Kaneko, Kili, Kili island, Lincoln Simeon, Majuro Water and Sewer Company, Marshalls Energy Company, MV Kwajalein, Simon Jamore, Taiwan Embassy, Tommy Jibok
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HILARY HOSIA Action speaks louder than words. This seems to be the marching order for President Hilda Heine and her Cabinet following a one-day visit to Kili Island last Friday. That day before, Thursday, the Heine administration declared a state of emergency to address the immediate needs of the Kili community, which has been experiencing […]
By Journal on January 11, 2024
Deutz engine, kun jarom, Marshalls Energy Company, MEC power outage, Tyler Milne
News Archive

The tenuous condition of the Marshalls Energy Company’s power plants was on full display during the last days of 2023 and last week. Unscheduled power outages have been repeatedly happening in Majuro, and power rationing went into effect late last week as MEC power plant staff struggled to repair one of the large engines that […]
By Journal on September 22, 2023
David Paul, Majuro Chamber of Commerce, Marshalls Energy Company
Back In The Day

Journal 9/25/1987 P3 Kwaj land case After 21 years, two complete trials, three appeals and a three-year interlude when the court clerks lost the file, the Trust Territory’s oldest law suit is finally at an end. Kwajalein landowner Handel Dribo, noted for having led several occupations of military land at the top secret Kwajalein Missile […]