By Journal on September 23, 2022
1985, Back in the Day, Compact of Free Association, House-Senate amendments, Micronesia, Reagan
Back In The Day

Journal 9/27/1985 P1 Reagan slams new Compact for giving Marshalls too much There will be no Compact of Free Association by the much publicized October 1 deadline. It has been put on hold by the Reagan administration, which now strongly objects to the planned House-Senate amendments, which give the Micronesians too much. It is the […]
By Journal on September 23, 2021
Annual Fishing Tournament, Debby Schutz, Eve Burns, Marshall Islands Billfish Club, Micronesia, RMI-USP Program, RRE Shoreline
News Archive

Debby Schutz is Miss All-Micronesia for the annual fishing tournament that will be held Friday and Saturday this week — the 29th annual tourney hosted by the Marshalls Billfish Club. Weigh in of the angelers’ catches will happen each day by the Marshalls Billfish Club clubhouse at RRE Shoreline from 5pm. If any one individual […]
By Journal on November 7, 2019
Hilda Heine, Majuro, Micronesia, UN
News Archive

A high level dialogue between officials from the Marshall Islands and the United Nations happened in Majuro in mid-October, foreshadowing a major change in UN operations in the north Pacific.The dialogue was attended by members of Cabinet, Heads of Departments (HoD), and Heads and representatives of seven UN agencies. The dialogue opened with a prayer […]
By Journal on May 23, 2019
FSM, Giff Johnson, Majuro, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, President Doland Trump, President Dr. Hilda Heine, The white House, Tommy Remengesau
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON President Hilda Heine joined with Palau and Federated States of Micronesia presidents in a historic meeting with President Donald Trump Wednesday (Majuro date) at the White House — the first time the three presidents from the freely associated states have met an American president as a group. In lead up meetings with Interior […]
By Journal on April 4, 2019
Brenda ALik, Guam, Hilary Hosia, Micronesia, MIR, PATA, Phonpei
News Archive
HILARY HOSIA A brief welcoming statement from Office of Commerce, Investment and Tourism Director Carlos Domnick kick started the first Tri-Annual Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Micronesia Chapter meeting at Marshall Islands Resort Tuesday. The weeklong conference has the biggest turnout in PATA history, even bigger than the recent meet in Guam as stated during […]
By Journal on July 29, 2016
Marshalls, Micronesia, suicide
Back In The Day

Journal 7/30/1976 P1 Nauru shot Key members of the Marshalls Political Status Commission went to Nauru this past week at the invitation of Nauru President Hammer De Roburt to be present on island while the South Pacific Forum conducted a meeting. While it is understood the Marshallese representatives will not be participating officially int he […]
By Journal on June 3, 2016
David Anderson, Enid, FAS, Freely Associated States, Loyd Henion, Marshall Islands, Medicaid, Micronesia, Oregon, Palauans, Patrick Anderson
Feature Articles

As more islanders from the Freely Associated States (FAS) settle in the United States through visa-free terms of the Compact with Washington, island communities are becoming increasingly active with state legislatures seeking recognition and engagement. In the mid-1990s, the US Congress eliminated eligibility of Marshall Islanders, Micronesians and Palauans for federal Medicaid health insurance, and […]
By Journal on January 15, 2016
drought, El Nino, Micronesia, Pacific
Feature Articles
A drought announcement was issued Friday by US Weather officials, describing increasingly dry conditions to be expected in the Marshall Islands, Palau and Yap as a result of one of the worst El Niño’s to hit the Pacific in recent times. Parts of the Marshall Islands are already into a period of “moderate to severe […]
By Journal on December 4, 2015
Amata Kabua, Amatlain Kabua, Atma Zedkaia, ballots, Don Brugman, Edward R. Doane, history, jeptas, Kessai Note, Micronesia, Ronnie Reimers, Yap
Back In The Day

Journal 12/3/1976 P1 Micronesia: World’s biggest exclusive ocean economic zone? Elected and traditional leaders from Truk, Ponape, Kusaie, Marshalls, Yap and Palau are attending the first Micronesian Conference of Law of the Sea. Despite differences over the issue of future political status, one question remains: Can the districts agree on a common position on Law […]