By Journal on March 10, 2022
CMAC, CNMI, Dolores debrum Kattil, Emman Kabua -Tibon, Eve Burns, Florence Edwards, FSM, Guam, Iva Reimers-Roberto, John Silk, Micronesia Challenge, MIMRA, Moriana Phillip, Palau, PAN, Reimaanlok
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EVE BURNS Marshall Islands Marine Resource Authority launched its Protected Area Network (PAN) office last week at International Conference Center. The PAN program vision is for a sustainable and resilient Marshall Islands where natural and cultural resources are effectively managed and conserved for future generations. Their mission to secure and enable mobilization of resources in […]
By Journal on February 3, 2022
Alaska, Arrak, Barab Edward, Centers for Disease Control, Covid, Guam, Kwaj Lodge, Kwajalein, Majuro, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Omicron, Palau, repatriation, RMI government, United Airlines, United States, USAG-KA
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The RMI government continues to use both its quarantine facility in Arrak Majuro, as well as the Kwaj Lodge at Kwajalein for managing the quarantine of incoming repatriation groups. Although United Airlines is not taking passengers out of Majuro for now, it continues to stop in Majuro for refueling and to drop off repatriation groups.Last […]
By Journal on December 30, 2021
Covid, Gaafar Uherbelau, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Kino Kabua, Kwajalein, Palau, RMI’s National Disaster Committee, US Army base, USAG-KA
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GIFF JOHNSON New Year’s fireworks will happen this weekend at the US Army base at Kwajalein after the RMI’s National Disaster Committee waived quarantine requirements for a technical team that arrived Tuesday this week to set up and operate the display. The Army asked for and was granted an exemption from the one-week Hawaii quarantine […]
By Journal on November 25, 2021
American Legion Post 22, FSM, Giff Johnson, Health Benefit, Joe Biden, Kalani Kanek, Military, Palau, RMI, US Compact, US House of Representatives of HR3730, US Veterans Administration
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GIFF JOHNSON Veterans from the Marshall Islands and the other freely associated states, all nations aligned with the US through Compacts, must travel at great personal expense to take advantage of health benefits they earned by their service in the US military. The practical impact of this situation is that most Marshallese veterans are completely […]
By Journal on August 25, 2021
Caleb Joseph, David Kabua, Dr. Frank Underwood, Glen Joseph, Guam, KMI, Ladie Jack, Lomalo, MIMRA, MOHHS, National Disaster Committee, Palau, Pan Pacific Foods, Tia Belau
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Last Friday’s resumption of Covid-19 vaccines for tuna boat fishermen “went smooth as planned,” according to MIMRA. The fisheries authority together with Ministry of Health and Human Services and the Ports Authority organized the re-start of the vaccine program for fishermen that was started in June, and then paused so public health teams could concentrate […]
By Journal on August 5, 2021
Babeldaob Island, Palau, Palau Community College, Patrick Tellei, Robby Abner
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A single car crash Saturday night on Palau’s Babeldaob Island claimed the life of a Marshallese student from Ebeye who was on track to graduate from Palau Community College next year. Reports from police and a doctor said that Robby Abner, son of Kionet Bajo and the late Kabjenlan Abner of Ebeye, died at the […]
By Journal on April 23, 2020
Ebeye, Hilary Hosia, Jaluit, JHS, Majuro, Marshall Islands, MIEPI, Palau, Wotje
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HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands Epidemiology and Prevention Initiatives (MIEPI) have been spearheading the Rapid High School Survey to determine the percentage of students who have risk factors for development of diseases like diabetes, cancer, chronic lung disease, heart attacks and strokes. The ongoing survey, which started in January this year, is a short questionnaire designed […]
By Journal on May 23, 2019
FSM, Giff Johnson, Majuro, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, President Doland Trump, President Dr. Hilda Heine, The white House, Tommy Remengesau
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GIFF JOHNSON President Hilda Heine joined with Palau and Federated States of Micronesia presidents in a historic meeting with President Donald Trump Wednesday (Majuro date) at the White House — the first time the three presidents from the freely associated states have met an American president as a group. In lead up meetings with Interior […]
By Journal on July 19, 2018
Aliyah Brown, Bollong Joklur, Guam, Isaiah Kramer, Kaiser Muller, Marshall Islands, Micronesian games, Palau, Saipan, Sidra Triplett, Sione Aho, Waylon Muller, Yap
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Marshall Islands athletes got off to a good start earlier this week at the Micronesian Games in Yap, picking up medals in several sports. Perhaps the most remarkable medal winner is Mr. Gold himself, Waylon Muller, who at the tender age of 44, bulldogged his way to yet another gold in Yap. Waylon has won […]
By Journal on April 19, 2018
disasters, Florent Chané, FSM, Kiribati, Palau, RMI, Timmy Langrine, tsunami
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More than forty emergency response experts met in Majuro last week to identify locally-led solutions to overcome logistics challenges that can hinder disaster response in the North Pacific region. Efficient logistics can make or break a humanitarian response, and the workshop focused on ensuring that when the next emergency strikes, affected islanders can respond quickly […]