By Journal on September 25, 2020
Andrew Bing, Anja Andy, Atjang Paul, Beibor Okney, Bwiji Aliven, Camille, Danny Wase, Edinal Jorkan, Emma, Ermine Narruhn, Evelyn Lanki, Francis Silk, Gae Guk Lee, Holly Barker, Jeton "Zulu" Anjain, Lester Sawej, Neijon Edwards, Nella, Peter deBrum, Peter Peter, Regina Niedenthal, Ronnie Reimers, Tira Keju, Tom Kijiner, Tommy, Waylon Muller, Wilbur Allen
Back In The Day

Journal 9/23/1983 P1 Ebeye receives new phones Ebeye will soon have 150 new telephones installed. Minister of Transportation and Communications Atjang Paul said the telephones and drop line has arrived from Saipan and will soon be installed by staff from the Majuro ComSat. P5 Four hired Cabinet today hired three new teachers for Marshall Islands […]
By Journal on July 4, 2019
Enemanit, Hilary Hosia, Majuro, Majuro Urok Club, Marshalls Billfish Club, Mayor Ladie Jack, Waylon Muller
News Archive

Dozens of anglers and bottom fishermen will take to their boats this weekend in Majuro for two days of fishing competition. The beautiful Miss Urok Alexis Henry and Miss Billfish Iesha Abner Floor will both grace the docks in Uliga harbor July 5 and 6 for the running of the 37th Annual Marshalls Billfish Club […]
By Journal on January 3, 2019
Ahmadiyya, block party, David Ackley, Jorelik Tibon, Karen Stewart, Larry Hernandez, M-Polen, Majuro, Maynard Alfred, Nauru, Pohnpei, Timmy Langrine, Waylon Muller
News Archive

Block Party gives back HILARY HOSIA The famed Majuro New Year Block Party lived up to its reputation yet again this year as evident by thousands of participants enjoying the contagious festival — even families from Nauru, Pohnpei and Marshallese living abroad flew in for the occasion.
By Journal on August 3, 2018
Micronesian games, Tony Muller, Waylon Muller, Yap
Feature Articles

Pride in country and patriotism summarized the welcoming ceremony for Marshallese athletes homebound from the 9th Micronesian Games in Yap Sunday night at the Amata Kabua International Airport. Athletes, coaches and entourage received a VIP welcome from a large crowd of fans, families, friends and officials with each person receiving numerous hugs and leis as […]
By Journal on July 27, 2018
Waylon Muller
Back In The Day

Journal 7/31/1981 P8 Dr John to open first private medical clinic What used to be a scene of flying rocks and flying cans in every which way as drunks and not-so drunks tried to emphasize their points to each other at what used to the “Rock-O-Town Bar” is not the spot where Dr. John Iaman […]
By Journal on July 19, 2018
Aliyah Brown, Bollong Joklur, Guam, Isaiah Kramer, Kaiser Muller, Marshall Islands, Micronesian games, Palau, Saipan, Sidra Triplett, Sione Aho, Waylon Muller, Yap
News Archive

Marshall Islands athletes got off to a good start earlier this week at the Micronesian Games in Yap, picking up medals in several sports. Perhaps the most remarkable medal winner is Mr. Gold himself, Waylon Muller, who at the tender age of 44, bulldogged his way to yet another gold in Yap. Waylon has won […]
By Journal on July 5, 2018
Alexander Adiniwin, Andrew Adiniwin, Andrew Bing, Bollong Joklur, Edward Adiniwin, Hilary Hosia, Isaiah Kramer, Jr., Kaiser Muller, Kalimen Pabro, Richard Adiniwin, Waylon Muller
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Who’s ready for gold? They are. The Marshall Islands Wrestling team is sending an elite team of wrestlers to compete in the 2018 Micronesian Games in Yap in the Federated States of Micronesia this week. The eight competitors including coaches all have a record of winning their matches. “Before we take off, we […]
By Journal on August 4, 2017
Bilimon, MALGov, sheriff, smuggled, Uliga, Waylon Muller
Back In The Day

Journal 8/6/1973 P7 TT to study alcohol abuse problem The Headquarters Division of Community Development reports that a contract is being prepared with James R. Leonard Associates to undertake a study on the problem of alcohol abuse in the TT and how it relates to the growing problem of juvenile delinquency. P9 Independence or statehood […]
By Journal on April 28, 2017
Bobby Muller, Deborah Shoniber, Kenneth Kramer, National Olympic Committee, Robert Pinho, Terry Sasser, Tony Muller, Waylon Muller
Feature Articles

The Marshall Islands National Olympic Committee extended the terms of five of its seven executive members, including President Kenneth Kramer and Secretary General Terry Sasser, at its every-four-year election last week at the Marshall Islands Resort. Nine sports federations affiliated with the National Olympic Committee (NOC) were eligible to cast votes in the election of […]