Kwajalein ‘is the gem’,

Kwajalein ‘is the gem’,

Journal 11/14/1986 P1 Soviets threaten UN vetoThe Soviet Union is preparing to mount a challenge to the Marshalls and the Federated States of Micronesia Compacts and the Mariana Islands commonwealth when they come before the United Nations Security Council. “The territories must get full, unrestricted independence which is not the case under this trust territory […]

Outages sap students strength

Outages sap students strength

The past week saw frequent power outages. Darkness and immense warm temperatures were felt in homes or businesses without solar power or generators. Suffice it to say, many had a hard time sleeping at night. The constant power outages resulted in the computer labs at the College of the Marshall Islands being temporarily shut off. […]

Resurrection week in Majuro

Resurrection week in Majuro

GIFF JOHNSON We don’t use the word “resurrection” lightly. But in the non-religious sphere of the Marshall Islands, we believe it is fitting to use that term for two events that took place largely out of the view of most local residents in Majuro. Twelve-and-a-half-years after the roof collapse halted use of the ECC national […]

Modeling Laura flood affects

Modeling Laura flood affects

Projected coastal flooding can be recognized in a three-dimensional model of the Laura area that was officially handed over to the RMI government in late October, according to a release from the Pacific Community’s Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division. The model shows the terrain on land as well as underwater and also shows the shape of […]

Navy band rocks Majuro

Navy band rocks Majuro

WILMER JOEL Several schools on Majuro were treated to a mini-concert by the US Navy Pacific Fleet band last week. The College of the Marshall Islands was the third school to be visited by the band. As the band kicked off the event with a dynamic opening, the CMI faculty, staff, and students went berserk. […]

Social media: Curse or blessing?

Social media: Curse or blessing?

WILMER JOELThe existence of the term “Generation Z” is not by coincidence, considering the extent to which social media and electronics shape the identity of Marshallese youth, creating a new generation of island youth. Among the main platforms influencing today’s youth are TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Tencent’s free-to-play battle royale game, Play Underground (PUBG). […]

PSS reinvents lunch program

PSS reinvents lunch program

The Public School System is switching gears in its hot lunch program with plans to open school cafeterias. Last week, Majuro Middle School opened the first public school cafeteria in Majuro and with it four new hires were added to the school’s workforce. Principal Alvin Saimon and school staff officially opened the cafeteria following a […]

Money talks with PNA

Money talks with PNA

Ways to expand the Marshall Islands and PNA members involvement in the multi-billion dollar tuna value chain was a key point of discussions during last week’s third Parties to the Nauru Agreement Leadership Summit. The meeting was held in Kiritimati Island, Kiribati. President David Kabua was among the heads of state participating along with Minister […]

Navy launches RMI services

Navy launches RMI services

The arrival of the hospital ship USNS Mercy in Majuro on Sunday signaled the start of a wide range of humanitarian and medical programs that are being conducted this week and next week in three locations. The visit by the Mercy is part of the ongoing United States Pacific Partnership program with the Marshall Islands […]

Bikini’s last hope effort

Bikini’s last hope effort

Journal 11/7/1986P1 RepMar invests $150m fundThe $150 million nuclear claims fund was turned over to RepMar by the US government last week and deposited into an account with the Irving Trust Company over the weekend.P3 Palau voting againPalauans will vote by December 15 on a pact that would allow the United States to operate nuclear-propelled […]

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