CMI honors student leaders

CMI honors student leaders

WILMER JOELMore than 10 elected student leaders were inducted into the Student Government Association in a ceremony held at the College of the Marshall Islands earlier this month. The SGA is the recognized student body voice at the college. In the positions of president and vice president, respectively, Marlin Doulatram succeeds Faith Lanwi as president, […]

Boot Camp a wrap for 30

Boot Camp a wrap for 30

EVE BURNS After finishing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), popularly known as Summer Boot Camp, 30 students were awarded certificates Wednesday. The eight-week TVET focuses on automotive, electrical, and welding instruction. The camp is an initiative between the College of the Marshall Islands, the Productivity Center at the National University of Fiji, […]

AG steps up trafficking action

AG steps up trafficking action

A low-key launch by the Attorney General could have big implications for oversight of trafficking in persons. Last week, US Embassy officials joined with representatives of the Asia Foundation and the Attorney General’s office for the official launch ceremony of RMI’s Legal Case Management System for Human Trafficking cases. The launch was emceed by Assistant Attorney […]

MIMRA to get climate boost

MIMRA to get climate boost

The Micronesia Conservation Trust took a significant step toward bolstering climate resilience in the Northern Pacific Small Island Developing States with the signing of climate-related subsidiary agreements on last week. These agreements were linked with the Palau Protected Areas Network Fund and the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA) to serve as executing entities for […]

Severed leg found at PII

Severed leg found at PII

Journal 9/18/1987 P1 Jailhouse rocks! One of the most colorful local spots on Majuro happens to be the jailhouse, and its potential as a tourist attraction should not be overlooked. We’ve had reporters down at the jail who were entertained to see nubile young girls on exhibition just off the main lobby. But reporters don’t […]

Girls rule at LSA

Girls rule at LSA

EVE BURNS Life Skills Academy Student Body Government really lived up to Beyonce’s famous song “Who runs the world? Girls!” The court top officers are all girls, which may be unprecedented in public school SBG history. There are two boys in the SBG who hold sports and public relations positions. Esther Lolin, a senior who […]

Homecoming for MEI team

Homecoming for MEI team

WILMER JOEL Marshall Islands nuclear test legacy activist Benetick Kabua Maddison visited his native country for the first time in 22 years while on a brief business trip with the Marshallese Educational Initiative (MEI). Benetick is the executive director of the MEI, a non-profit based in Springdale, Arkansas, founded in 2013 to assist Marshallese in […]

RMI election gets Japan support

RMI election gets Japan support

HILARY HOSIA Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs held a one-day electoral seminar at the International Conference Center Tuesday. The unique seminar, according to MOCIA Secretary Brenda Alik, is the first of its kind — “there hasn’t been a training conducted in this level,” Brenda said in her opening […]

More Asians apply for RMI visa

More Asians apply for RMI visa

Journal 9/12/1986 P1 Cousteau to study Bikini and Enewetak Famed explorer and oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau is coming to the Marshall Islands to study the impact of atomic bomb testing at Bikini and Enewetak atolls. As part of the second leg of a five-year study expedition aboard his 141-foot ship Calypso, Cousteau will travel to the […]

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