Back In The Day

Ingram takes over as AG

Ingram takes over as AG

Journal 7/27/1982 P1 DeBrum: Compact talks collapsed today The Foreign Secretary of the Marshall Islands Tony deBrum says negotiations to end US administration of the territory collapsed. Speaking in Honolulu, deBrum said the US was not prepared to end its trusteeship of the islands, except on its terms and at a time of its own […]

Taxi riders ‘kakiajaj’ too

Taxi riders ‘kakiajaj’ too

Journal 7/20/1982 P1 Something new cooking at MCAA Service, food and waitressing in restaurants may be considerably better within coming months when Ione Heine’s class at the Marshalls Community Action Agency on food making completes its training. Enrolled in the class are: Ruth Tibon, Mieco Gideon, Nerilla Rantak, Hatty Bing, Analisa Tartious, Hemuj Emios, Eliwen […]

Secret testing revealed

Secret testing revealed

Journal 7/13/1982 P1 RepMar gets Kwaj TRO RepMar went back into court this weekend and obtained a new temporary restraining order (TRO) barring Kwajalein landowners from occupying or interfering with the Kwajalein Missile Range. High Court Chief Justice John Lanham’s TRO also directs RepMar to try to presuade the US to allow landowners access to […]

Teens win MBC awards

Teens win MBC awards

Journal 7/6/1982 P1 Kwajalein occupation continues The Kwajalein landowners occupying Kwajalein and other islands that are part of the Kwajalein Missile Range have increased, according to Senator Ataji Balos and other leaders. Kwajalein Atoll Corporation leaders say the protest sail-in is far from over. They say they don’t see any end to the dispute unless […]

Imada jailed at Kwajalein

Imada jailed at Kwajalein

Journal 6/29/1982 P1 KAC, RepMar and US holding talks Negotiations are now underway on Kwajalein between the US and Marshalls governments and the Kwajalein Atoll Corporation, according to the KAC office in Majuro. Ten days ago KAC members moved onto islands used by the Kwajalein Missile Range in order to protest what they feel is […]

Kwaj landowners protest

Kwaj landowners protest

Journal 6/22/1982 P1 Kwajalein landowners occupy two islands Over 200 Kwajalein landowners have peacefully occupied sites on Kwajalein and Roi-Namur islands despite a temporary restraining order obtained by the Marshall Islands government from High Court Chief Justice John Lanham in a special Saturday court proceeding. The landowners have not communicated any demands to the Marshall […]

Kwaj rejects the Compact

Kwaj rejects the Compact

 Journal6/8/1982 P1 President asks public to study Compact President Amata Kabua and Foreign Secretary Tony deBrum returned from the United States today and reported to leaders and the public assembled at the government building that the Cmpact of Free Association had been signed. Kabua said in addition to the Compact itself, the agreements for radiation […]

Compact is done deal

Compact is done deal

Journal 6/1/1982 P1 Compact signed! Compact of Free Association between the Marshall Islands and the United States was signed Sunday, 30 May, according to a front page story in the Honolulu Advertiser. Acting President Tom Kijiner confirmed the signing but had no details due to bad communication. The newspaper said the “historic agreement” was signed […]

BOMI owned by you and me

BOMI owned by you and me

Journal 5/25/1982 P1 Zeder and deBrum reported ‘eyeball to eyeball’ — Zeder’s briefed US Congress US Ambassador Fred Zeder said Thursday he’s “eyeball to eyeball” with Marshall Islands Foreign Secretary Anton deBrum in negotiations on the political status of the islands, according to Pacific Daily News. Zeder, suffering from the flu and a 103-degree temperature, […]

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