By Journal on June 14, 2019
Jacki Bobo, Jiktok Heam, Libby Heon, MAshall Islands, May Joran, Miami Lang, SDA, yitha Kaious
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Journal 6/15/1982 P2 SDA graduates 22 The most important things in life are not cars, new houses or other nice things — but a growing person, the Marshall Islands Mission Academy of the Seventh Day Adventist 1982 graduating class was told by Elder John Ash, the evening’s main speaker. Twenty-two young men and women received […]
By Journal on June 7, 2019
Amata Kabua, Ataji Balos, President, Tony deBrum, US
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Journal6/8/1982 P1 President asks public to study Compact President Amata Kabua and Foreign Secretary Tony deBrum returned from the United States today and reported to leaders and the public assembled at the government building that the Cmpact of Free Association had been signed. Kabua said in addition to the Compact itself, the agreements for radiation […]
By Journal on May 31, 2019
Fred Zedar, Kijiner, Prince Hunio
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Journal 6/1/1982 P1 Compact signed! Compact of Free Association between the Marshall Islands and the United States was signed Sunday, 30 May, according to a front page story in the Honolulu Advertiser. Acting President Tom Kijiner confirmed the signing but had no details due to bad communication. The newspaper said the “historic agreement” was signed […]
By Journal on May 24, 2019
Anton Debrum, BOMI, Debrum, Fred Zeder, Zeder
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Journal 5/25/1982 P1 Zeder and deBrum reported ‘eyeball to eyeball’ — Zeder’s briefed US Congress US Ambassador Fred Zeder said Thursday he’s “eyeball to eyeball” with Marshall Islands Foreign Secretary Anton deBrum in negotiations on the political status of the islands, according to Pacific Daily News. Zeder, suffering from the flu and a 103-degree temperature, […]
By Journal on May 17, 2019
Atang Paul, Kilok, MIHS
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Journal 5/18/1982 P1 Marshalls asks Compact level funding for ’83 The Marshall Islands delegation headed by Finance Minister Atjang Paul appeared Thursday before a subcommittee of the US Senate Committee on Appropriations to present the 1983 budget for the RMI. The budget presented was based on the Compact of Free Association and it is considerably […]
By Journal on May 15, 2019
Ajidrik's Restaurant, cmi, Debrum, Mason Altiery, President Note, RMI, Roselind Matthew
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Journal May 11, 1982 P1 Ajidrik Restaurant to reopen under RN management What used to be called “Ajidrik Restaurant” is now an RN Restaurant, renamed after the new wife and husband management team of Norman and Roselind Matthew, owner of what used to be called the “Runway Snack Shop,” which is now also called RN […]
By Journal on May 3, 2019
Amatlain Kabua, Brenson S. Wase, RMI, Robert Reimers Enterprises, US
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Journal 5/4/1982 P1 US and Marshalls far apart on radiation pact The governments of the United States and the Marshall Islands are still talking about political status matters but negotiations on an agreement on compensation and programs for radiation-affected people have virtually ended. The lawyers for the Marshall Islands Atomic Testing Litigation Project (MIATLP) representing […]
By Journal on April 26, 2019
AMI, George Allen, KAC, Reagan, Robert Reimers, WAC, Zeder
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Journal 4/30/1982 P1 Zeder says he came to settle radiation claims US Ambassador Fred Zeder has his marching orders from President Reagan to settle all radiation from nuclear testing claims in the Marshall Islands in a subsidiary agreement to the Compact of Free Association. Zeder was the lead off speaker in the formal opening April […]
By Journal on April 19, 2019
Ebeye, Henry Peter, Jorlang, Joseph Horlang, Litokwa Tomeing, Micronitor Copy Cat Service, MIHS, Milan Edward, Ron Reagan, Selvenios, Women’s Club
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Journal 4/20/1982 P3 Ebeye group in Majuro A group from the Ebeye Catholic Women’s Club is presently in Majuro visiting the Majuro Catholic Women’s Club. The group is headed by Fr. Leonard Hacker, SJ. P7 Classifieds ARE YOU AFRAID of people like Ron Reagan, Haig (the man, not the drink!) and Thatcher? If so join […]
By Journal on April 12, 2019
Iroij Kabua Kabua, Iroij Mo jitiam, John Mangefel, Noel Bigler, President Amata Kabua, public works
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Journal 4/13/1982 P1 Cutoffs bring results The disconnection threat made by Public Works April 1 concerning delinquent customers of the government utility service must have worked because Public Works is $120,000 richer today from the money it collected from its customers. Public Works secretary Noel Bigler said even though there were over 400 houses that […]